Multiple Sanctions

If a student is found responsible for a third academic integrity or academic misconduct violation, the sanction will be automatic and immediate expulsion from the University, representing a permanent separation from The University of Tampa. The Office of the Associate Provost must notify the Registrar to withdraw the student from all classes except the class in which the violation occurred. The faculty member of the class where the violation occurred will give a grade of “F” to the student for the course. The Registrar must inform all other affected faculty that the student has withdrawn from their classes, as is done normally when a student withdraws.

If adjudication is not completed until after the semester has finished, the student will not be withdrawn from all other courses and the grades attained by the student in the other courses will remain as earned. The Office of the Associate Provost or the Academic Integrity Hearing Committee may deem that an academic integrity or academic misconduct violation or the pattern of violations is so egregious that it warrants a sanction of expulsion regardless of the existence or nonexistence of prior violations. For example, this might be the case when a student is sanctioned and then repeats the same violation.