Department of Biology Curriculum
The B.S. in biology, B.A. in biology, B.S. in marine science–biology, B.S. in marine-science-chemistry and B.S. in environmental science majors offered through the Department of Biology share as their foundation the biology core curriculum and three categories of upper division biology courses. Some individual courses within the biology core require a minimum grade of “C” to progress as noted in the Course Descriptions chapter of this catalog.
Biology Core Curriculum
The biology core curriculum consists of the following nine courses:
Student must take either BIO 300 or BIO 320 as part of the Biology Core Curriculum. Student may not count credit for both of these courses towards majors in Biology, Marine Science or Environmental Science.
BIO 440, BIO 450 or BIO 495 may be substituted for BIO 410 if an oral presentation is made.
Biology Lower Core Curriculum
A subset of the biology core curriculum is referred to as the biology lower-core. All students regardless of major or minor must complete these core courses with a 2.0 (“C” level work) combined minimum GPA calculated based on biology lower-core courses completed at The University of Tampa before they will be eligible to register for any of the upper-division BIO (numbered above 204) or MAR (numbered above 200) courses. Additionally, some individual courses within the lower-core require a minimum grade of “C” to progress as noted in the Course Descriptions chapter of this catalog.
The biology lower-core curriculum consists of the following seven courses:
MAT 170: May be waived if student is placed directly into MAT 260 Calculus I. Students should investigate graduate admission requirements early in their UT program of study, because mathematics requirements vary widely (e.g., MAT 260 Calculus II and/or BIO 230/MAT 201 Statistics). WRI 281 is strongly recommended for those students planning to attend graduate or professional school.
Upper-Division Biology Courses
Most majors offered through the biology department share the following upper-division classes offered in three distinct categories: cellular biology/physiology (Category I), organismal biology (Category II) , and ecology / evolution / environmental biology (Category III). These categories are used within majors and concentrations to achieve the learning outcomes within those specific programs. Specifically, upper-division biology courses are BIO courses numbered above 204 or MAR courses numbered above 200.
Category I Cellular Biology/Physiology Courses
Category II Organismal Biology Courses
Category III Ecology/Evolution/Environmental Biology Courses
Students may not count credits for both BIO 212 and MAR 222 or both BIO 300 and BIO 320 toward the degree requirements in any major or minor in biology, marine science–biology or environmental science. However, credits for both may count toward the 124 credit hour graduation requirement. Additionally, BIO 230 is strongly recommended for those students planning to attend graduate or professional school.
Collateral and Prerequisite Courses
Students who major in biology, marine science–biology, marine science–chemistry or environmental science may use any of the prerequisite and/or collateral science courses required (see specific degrees) in the major to satisfy the natural science component of the Baccalaureate Experience. Students also may use the course required in mathematics to satisfy the mathematics requirement of the academic skills component of the Baccalaureate Experience. For more details on the collateral and prerequisite course requirements of specific degree programs refer to the links to those programs from this page.