Catalog 2019-2020

Course Requirements for the Honors Program

Honors students entering as freshmen must take the Pathways to Honors seminar linked to the first-year experience. During their freshman and sophomore years, they should complete two or three Honors classes.

Students entering Honors in their sophomore year should take two or three Honors classes.

In their junior and senior years, Honors students must complete their remaining Honors courses.

Particularly for students with heavy majors or those planning on graduate school, the junior/senior portion of Honors is designed to lead students toward graduate-level research, with students being introduced to such research through the tutorial contract, continuing through research-oriented independent study and culminating in a senior research project. A significant number of Honors undergraduates have made presentations at conferences or have been published as undergraduates. Students not intending to attend graduate school are enriched through closer faculty contact, ability to pursue questions one-on-one, and greater understanding of professionalism in their field.