Catalog 2019-2020

Philosophy Major

The philosophy major offers courses that develop and hone skills of critical thinking and logic. It gives students a solid background in both the history of philosophy and contemporary philosophical debates, introducing them to a variety of issues in ethical theory, applied ethics (e.g., environmental ethics, business ethics and biomedical ethics), social and political philosophy, aesthetics and philosophy of art, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of film, philosophy of law, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, existentialism, philosophy of religion and Asian philosophy.

Philosophy majors may choose to complete a research track capstone experience as part of the required 16 credit hours of electives at the 300 level or above. Students interested in completing the research track should consult with a full-time faculty member in the department during their junior year to map out a possible senior-year research project in philosophy. Then, during the senior year, students completing the research track sign up for PHL 450 Independent Study (4 credits) in the first semester and PHL 499 Senior Thesis (4 credits) in the second semester. In the process of completing the research track, students learn how to do research in academic philosophy and they produce original contributions to scholarly discussions about classic or current philosophical issues.

Degree Requirements

Requirements for a major in philosophy

PHL 201Logic


Total Credit Hours:4

At least two of the following courses

PHL 203Contemporary Philosophy


PHL 215Ancient Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle


PHL 225Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Kant


Total Credit Hours:8


PHL Electives
Including as options either REL 205 or REL 288, but not both


Total Credit Hours:24

Philosophy electives: at least 16 credit hours of which must be at the 300 level or above and which may include the research track option consisting of PHL 450 Independent Study followed by PHL 499 Senior Thesis. Please note: either REL 205 World Religions or REL 288 Chinese Yoga and Meditation (but not both) may be used as a 200-level PHL elective for the purposes of completing the philosophy major, although no REL courses are required for the major.

Total Credit Hours: 36