Catalog 2019-2020


CHE 410 Senior Seminar

An in-depth, independent, literature-based study of a current topic in chemistry or biochemistry. A written report and an oral presentation of the topic must be presented to and reviewed by the chemistry faculty. 

Credit Hours: 2


CHE 234, CHE 235L, CHE 310 (all with a grade of "C" or better) and at least one of the following (with a grade of "C" or better): CHE 245, CHE 320, or (CHE 352 and CHE 353L).

CHE 420 Advanced Biochemistry

Advanced Biochemistry CHE420 is a writing-intensive, laboratory-based course that expands on the basics introduced in Biochemistry CHE 320 and Biochemistry Laboratory CHE 320L. This course emphasizes both biochemical theory and methodology, including enzymology, purification and characterization of biological molecules, immunobiochemistry and the structure/function relationship of biological molecules. Students perform a semester-long laboratory project, culminating in formal laboratory report. Students are also assessed through scientific presentation, in-class examinations and take-home examinations designed to measure students’ mastering of the concepts presented during the lecture and laboratory portions of the course.

Credit Hours: 4
(W) (NS)


CHE 320 and CHE 320L (both with a grade of "C" or better).

CHE 425 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Studies atomic and molecular structure, types of chemical bonding, periodic relationships, typical reactions of inorganic substances, and the modern experimental methods used in inorganic chemistry. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3


CHE 245, CHE 310 (both with a grade of "C" or better), MAT 261, and PHY 206.

CHE 426 Advanced Organic Chemistry

This course is designed to cover many of the topics discussed in Organic Chemistry I and II in more depth. Topics may include the general study of organic reaction mechanisms including Eyring plots, Hammond's postulate, Curtin-Hammett principle, isotope effects and acid-base catalysis; conformational control; stereoelectronics; Hückel molecular orbital theory; pericyclic reactions; aromaticity; free-radical species and reactions; nucleophilic substitutions; eliminations; additions; multi-step synthetic strategies; retrosynthetic strategies; and natural product synthesis. In addition, the student may be expected to develop literature research skills by preparing and presenting a project involving the total synthesis of a naturally occurring compound or a topic of current interest. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3


CHE 234 and CHE 235L (both with a grade of "C" or better).

CHE 430 Advanced Instrumental Chemistry

Studies the theory and practice of modern instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Methodology includes spectrophotometric, chromatographic, electroanalytical and nuclear techniques. Additionally, students are required to retrieve scientific information from primary, secondary and tertiary literature sources. Lecture and laboratory.

Credit Hours: 4


CHE 234, CHE 235L, CHE 245 and CHE 310 (all with a grade of "C" or better).


Concurrent: CHE 430L

CHE 430L Advanced Instrumental Chemistry Laboratory

Laboratory component of CHE 430.
Credit Hours: 0


Concurrent: CHE 430

CHE 432 Forensic Chemistry

This course provides a comprehensive overview of chemical methods and techniques commonly used in the analysis of forensic evidence. Topics include 1) drugs of abuse, explosives, and ignitable liquids, 2) sample preparation and extractions, 3) separations theory, 4) gas chromatography, 5) high performance liquid chromatography, 6) absorbance methods and color tests, and 7) mass spectrometry. The course is focused on forensic analytical methods, with particular emphasis on analysis of drugs of abuse, as well as interpretation of data. Lecture.

Credit Hours: 3


CHE 310, CHE 234 and CHE 235L (all with a grade of "C" or better). Pre- or corequisite: CHE 433L (with a grade of "C" or better).

CHE 433L Forensic Chemistry Laboratory

Laboratory experiments supplement lecture material presented in CHE 432.

Credit Hours: 1


Pre- or corequisite: CHE 432 (with a grade of "C" or better).

CHE 434 Forensic Toxicology

Focuses on the application of methods discussed in Forensic Chemistry to biological samples such as blood, urine, ocular fluid and tissue samples, to identify and quantitate drugs and toxins. Topics covered include 1) immunoassay, 2) forensic toxicology analyses of urine, blood, and alternative matrices, 3) pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, 3) blood-alcohol analyses, and 4) subdisciplines and related topics such as postmortem forensic toxicology, human performance forensic toxicology, forensic urine drug testing, and performance-enhancing drug testing. Lecture.

Credit Hours: 3


CHE 432 and CHE 433L (both with a grade of "C" or better). Pre- or corequisite:CHE 435L (with a grade of "C" or better).

CHE 435L Forensic Toxicology Laboratory

Laboratory experiments supplement lecture material presented in CHE 434.

Credit Hours: 1


Pre- or corequisite: CHE 434 (with a grade of "C" or better).

CHE 440 Professional Practice in Forensic Science

This course is designed to help students transition the knowledge and skills gained in their laboratory and coursework into employment in working forensic laboratories. The following topics, in the context of forensic science, are covered: quality assurance, courtroom testimony, ethics, data integrity, and employment practices.

Credit Hours: 3


CHE 432 and CHE 433L (both with a grade of “C” or better), senior standing or permission of the instructor.

CHE 445 Advanced Organic Spectroscopy

Covers current spectroscopic methods for organic structure determination. Topics include mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, X-ray diffraction, and other techniques and their use in organic structure determination. Students are expected to develop literature research skills by preparing and presenting a project involving the determination of the molecular structure of a naturally occurring compound. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3


CHE 234 and CHE 235L (both with a grade of "C" or better).

CHE 451 Capstone Chemical Research

Qualified students choose a project in consultation with a chemistry faculty member. Requires laboratory or computational research. The project should be performed during the student’s junior and/or senior years. This capstone research experience may be repeated for up to a total of 4 credit hours. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Credit Hours: 1-2


consent of instructor.

CHE 453 Chemistry Internship

Provides practical experience in chemistry-related programs in a firm or agency under the supervision of faculty and firm representatives. May be accomplished on a part-time basis and may be repeated for a total of 4 credit hours. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.


Credit Hours: 1-4


CHE 234, CHE 235L and CHE 310 (all with a grade of "C" or better), and at least one of the following (with a grade of "C" or better): CHE 245, CHE 305, CHE 320 or CHE 352 and CHE 353L. Must have 56 credit hours earned, minimum GPA of 2.5 in the major or approval of department chairperson.

CHE 454 Capstone Chemical Communication

Students completing several degrees in the department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics (including those certified by the ACS) are required to successfully complete CHE 454. This is the final step of the research experience, in which students immerse themselves in the effective communication of the results of their work. Students will be required to compose a peer-reviewed journal style manuscript communicating their findings and present their work in a public symposium.
Credit Hours: 1


completion of at least two hours of CHE 451.

CHE 460 Introduction to Forensic Research

Qualified students in junior year choose project subject in consultation with chemistry faculty member. Requires laboratory research related to forensic science.  A written report and an oral presentation of the research must be presented to and reviewed by the chemistry faculty. The project should be performed during the student’s last three semesters. This capstone experience may be repeated for a total of 4 credit hours. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Credit Hours: 1-4


CHE 230, CHE 234, CHE 235L and CHE 310 (all with a grade of "C" or better)

CHE 463 Forensic Science Internship

Provides practical experience in forensic science-related programs in a firm or agency under the supervision of faculty and agency representatives. Students must apply for this internship at least one semester in advance. May be accomplished on a part-time basis and may be repeated for a total of 4 credit hours. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Credit Hours: 1-4


CHE 230, CHE 234, CHE 235L and CHE 310 (all with a grade of "C" or better), 56 credit hours earned, minimum GPA of 2.5 in the major, or approval of department chair

CHE 470 Tissue Culture

This course is an introduction to biochemical principles of and techniques utilized in the science of cultivating, manipulating and assaying animal cells in vitro. This course provides the basic science knowledge and laboratory skills required for carrying out diverse research projects in biomedical science, clinical research and biotechnology. This laboratory-intensive course provides extensive hands-on experience in animal cell propagation, sub-culturing, transfection with transgenes, clonal cell isolation, cryopreservation, inducible transgene expression, and a variety of biochemical assays. Lecture and laboratory.

Credit Hours: 4


CHE 320 and CHE 320L (both with a grade of "C" or better) and BIO 198

CHE 490 Molecular Basis of Cancer

Molecular Basis of Cancer (MBoC) is a laboratory-intensive course that provides extensive hands-on experience in chemically treating human cancer cell lines and performing a variety of biochemical assays and molecular analysis techniques of the biological molecules isolated from these cells. MBoC is intended to serve as an undergraduate classroom research experience (CURE). This CURE course includes lectures on the molecular techniques utilized and background on molecular oncology topics including oncogenes, signal transduction, DNA replication and repair, cell growth metabolism, apoptosis, as well as cancer of breast, colon, lung and prostate organ sites.

Credit Hours: 4


CHE 320 and CHE 320L (each with a grade of “C” or better); CHE 470 is also preferred.

CHE 498 Special Topics in Forensic Science

A lecture course in an applied forensic science discipline offered at the discretion of the forensic science faculty. Subject may be chosen from across forensic science but will typically involve forensic DNA analysis or forensic microscopy.

Credit Hours: 3


Consent of instructor.

CHE 499 Special Topics in Chemistry

A lecture and/or laboratory course offered at the discretion of the chemistry faculty. Subject may be chosen from theoretical and/or practical applications in biochemistry, analytical, inorganic, physical or organic chemistry.

Credit Hours: 1-4


Consent of instructor