Catalog 2019-2020


ECO 204 Principles of Microeconomics

An economic analysis of the interactions between households, businesses and the government regarding the allocation of goods, services and resources. Topics include the theory of consumer behavior, production and cost determination, and resource pricing.

Credit Hours: 4


MAT 150 competency recommended (all COB majors are required to take MAT 225).

ECO 205 Principles of Macroeconomics

An introduction to aggregate economic analysis; use of the aggregate demand/aggregate supply model for the determination of output, employment and prices; use of the production possibilities curve analysis to illustrate opportunity cost and to show gains from trade applying the concept of comparative advantage; structure and functions of the Federal Reserve System; and conduct of monetary policy.

Credit Hours: 4


MAT 150 competency recommended (all COB majors are required to take MAT 225).