Catalog 2019-2020


IBS 490 International Business Internship

This internship exposes the student to a real life learning experience. Students are hired by an organization for the specific objective of gaining work experience in that organization. The paid or unpaid internship position should be relevant to the student's major, and is worked out between the organization and the student. Completion of this internship helps students partially attain the following goals of the College of Business. May be used to satisfy the cross-cultural experience requirement of the IB major. Approval of the international business coordinator required.

Credit Hours: 1-8


MGT 350, junior or senior standing and minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 or a 3.0 in COB courses.

IBS 492T Seminar in International Business

Examines select economic, political and cultural aspects of specific countries through readings, lectures, research and travel abroad. Country selection varies with instructor. Travel abroad includes visits to foreign stock exchanges, universities, corporations and international organizations. The trip is required for course credit, and the cost of the trip is not included in tuition. May require class meetings during the last seven weeks of the spring semester.

Credit Hours: 4

IBS 495 Special Topics in International Business

A course offered at the discretion of the Department of International Business. Subject may focus on a topic of current interest in the field, training in a specific area of the field, or a topic that is of interest to a particular group of students.

Credit Hours: 4


To be specified at time of offering.

IBS 499 Independent Study in International Business

A readings or independent study course taken under faculty guidance for variable credit.

Credit Hours: 0-4


Minimum 3.0 GPA, consent of the coordinator of international business and COB associate dean.