Catalog 2019-2020


MAT 401 Real Analysis

Covers the theory of limits, continuity, differentiation and integration.

Credit Hours: 4


MAT 299 with a grade of "C" or higher.

MAT 410 Complex Analysis

Covers complex numbers, analytic functions, elementary functions, integrals, series, residues and poles.

Credit Hours: 4


MAT 299 with a grade of "C" or higher.

MAT 420 Modern Abstract Algebra

Covers the theory of groups, rings and fields.

Credit Hours: 4


MAT 299 with a grade of "C" or higher.

MAT 450 Independent Study

Involves independent study directed by a full-time mathematics faculty member on a topic agreed upon by the faculty member and the student. May be repeated for credit if subject matter varies.
Credit Hours: 1-4


Consent of department chair.

MAT 490 Senior Seminar

An in-depth study of a topic in mathematics or mathematical programming. Requires consultation with a faculty member, personal research, library research and an oral presentation.

Credit Hours: 1


Senior standing in mathematics or mathematical programming. Must have completed at least four (4) mathematics courses numbered MAT 300 or above. Permission of the department chair required.

MAT 491 Undergraduate Research in Mathematics

This course provides a research experience in different topics of mathematics. Students select a specific research topic to investigate in collaboration with the instructor. The research work culminates with a presentation at an undergraduate conference, and optionally a publication.
Credit Hours: 2


MAT 299 with a grade of "C" or higher. If the class is taken in place of MAT 490, then the student must have completed at least four (4) mathematics courses numbered MAT 300 or above.

MAT 499 Selected Topics

Subject may be chosen from point-set topology, partial differential equations, combinatorics, graph theory or other topics.

Credit Hours: 1-4