Catalog 2021-2022

FSC - Forensic Science

FSC 130 Survey of Forensic Sciences

The goal of this course is to introduce students to the most common disciplines in forensic science topics in forensic science that will be covered in more depth in higher-level courses. Topics may include: legal underpinnings of forensic science, crime scene investigation, fingermarks/fingerprints, firearms evidence, trace evidence (glass, fibers, and hair), seized drugs, forensic toxicology, forensic pathology, forensic serology, forensic DNA analysis, ignitable liquids, and explosives. Expert forensic practitioners will act as guest lecturers in their respective disciplines. Lecture only.
Credit Hours: 3

FSC 230 Fire Debris and Firearms

An introduction to the principles of and forensic evidence relevant to arson, explosives, and firearms. The first half of the course focuses on the science of fire and explosives as well as methods for the analysis of relevant evidence. The second half of the course provides the principles of firearms and methods used for characterization of firearms evidence.
Credit Hours: 3


CHE 154 and CHE 155L (both with a grade of “C” or better)

FSC 340 Microscopic Examination of Firearms Evidence

This course is designed to provide hands-on experience in firearms evidence examination, with a focus on microscopic methods. The course will explore common types of firearms evidence such as cartridge casings, bullets, bullet fragments, shot pellets, and gunshot residues. Students will compare fired bullets and cartridges with unknown samples, primarily using comparison microscopy.

Credit Hours: 3


FSC 230

FSC 461 Forensic Science Seminar

Provides experience in reviewing the scientific literature, scientific writing, and presentation. The products of the course are a manuscript and presentation reviewing the scientific literature in a topic of forensic science. The course culminates in students presenting their work for the faculty and/or forensic practitioners.

Credit Hours: 3


FSC 130, CHE 234, CHE 235L, and CHE 310 (each with a grade of “C” or better).