Catalog 2021-2022


Students who do not meet the renewal requirements for Florida aid lose their aid eligibility for the upcoming academic year. The Financial Aid Office will notify students of the loss of State aid eligibility to your University-issued email address. The Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance will also notify students of loss Bright Futures aid eligibility. 

Students may appeal the loss of Florida aid if extenuating circumstances (such as illness or accident) apply. A written appeal must be made to the director of financial aid within 30 days of the date of written notice of ineligibility. The appeal must include a description and documentation of the circumstances. Please refer to the notice sent to you regarding loss of aid for more specific information.

A successful appeal for Florida aid will allow a student to receive aid for the upcoming academic year, provided they meet all other eligibility requirements. 

If a student's last Bright Futures status was ineligible for not meeting renewal requirements and the student did not receive funding during the previous academic year, the student must submit a Reinstatement/Restoration application to the Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance online at