Catalog 2024-2025


CSC 401 Senior Capstone I

This course allows students to integrate what they have learned throughout the curriculum in an applied, real world setting. Students work in teams on a major project, applying software engineering principles along the way. The course also emphasizes professional presentations and technical reports at various points in the project. This is the first half of the senior capstone experience, where teams will begin their work on a major project.
Credit Hours: 2


Senior status, CSC 230 Software Design and Engineering (with a grade of "C" or better), and CSC 301 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms (with a grade of "C" or better)

CSC 402 Senior Capstone II

This course allows students to integrate what they have learned throughout the curriculum in an applied, real world setting. Students work in teams on a major project, applying software engineering principles along the way. The course also emphasizes professional presentations and technical reports at various points in the project. This is the second half of the senior capstone experience, where teams will finish their work on a major project and present their results.
Credit Hours: 2


CSC 401 Senior Capstone I (with a grade of "C" or better)

CSC 410 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

An overview of AI, including history, impact, implications, and the potential of artificial intelligence. Machine learning: perceptrons, multi-layer networks, and deep learning. Classical AI: game playing and search, propositional logic, first order logic, inference. Knowledge representation.
Credit Hours: 4


CSC 301 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms (with a grade of "C" or better)

CSC 420 Programming Languages and Compilers

Techniques for specifying the syntax and semantics of programming languages, including language concepts, execution environments, comparative analysis of programming languages. Principles of compiler design, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, error detection and recovery.
Credit Hours: 4


CSC 301 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms (with a grade of "C" or better)

CSC 450 Independent Study in Computer Science

Independent project developed under the guidance of a Computer Science faculty member. Students can apply by consulting with and submitting a project proposal to a Computer Science faculty member for 1-4 credits.
Credit Hours: 1-4


Junior status, minimum GPA of 3.0, and consent of instructor

CSC 499 Special Topics in Computer Science

A special topics course that allows faculty members to explore topics in computer science. May be repeated for additional credit, with a maximum of 8 credits total.
Credit Hours: 4


Consent of instructor