Catalog 2024-2025

FMX 499 Senior Project in FMX

A studio production capstone course mandatory for Animation or New Media majors. Each student will develop a creative thesis project in their major area that demonstrates the depth and breadth of their learning, leading to exhibition of this work.  This course is required to be taken in students' final semester in the program, and that they exhibit and present their thesis work during the scheduled showcase. Laboratory fee required.

Baccalaureate Experience

(A) (HFA/ST)




UTAMPA 101 [or equivalent], UTAMPA 102, UTAMPA 200, UTAMPA 201, Math requirement, AWR 101, AWR 201, Social Science Core course, Humanities Core course. In addition FMX 398 and senior standing in Animation or New Media major, after completion of 106 credits, or consent of instructor.