Catalog 2024-2025

Withdrawals and Leaves of Absence

Whether a student withdraws, drops all courses or takes an approved Leave of Absence (see catalog section on Withdrawal from the University) during an academic period in which they receive federal student aid, the financial aid office is required to perform a Return to Title IV calculation, which pro-rates the amount of aid the student is eligible to keep based upon the percentage of the academic period completed. The Return to Title IV calculation is described in the Return of Federal Student Aid section.

Depending upon the length of time you are not enrolled, your federal student loans may go into repayment. The Financial Aid Office sends students Loan Exit Counseling instructions shortly after a borrower's Leave of Absence request is approved, graduates, withdraws, or otherwise stops attending. The Loan Exit Counseling instructions helps students understand the loan grace period and repayment options for federal student loans.