IV. Organization and Leadership of the Colleges
A. College of Arts and Letters
The College of Arts and Letters is currently organized into eight departments headed by chairs and other units headed by directors and coordinators.
- Headed by chairs:
- Department of Art and Design
- Department of Communication
- Department of English, and Writing
- Department of Film, Animation, and New Media
- Department of Language and Linguistics
- Department of Music
- Department of Philosophy and Religion
- Department of Speech, Theatre and Dance
- Headed by directors and coordinators:
- First-Year Writing (director)
- Lee Scarfone Gallery and Hartley Gallery (director)
- Pinter Review (director)
- Saunders Writing Center (director)
- Tampa Review (director)
- Women’s Studies Program (director)
- UT Press (director)
B. The John H. Sykes College of Business
An associate dean assists the dean of the John H. Sykes College of Business. The John H. Sykes College of Business is currently organized into six departments headed by chairs and other units headed by directors and coordinators.
- Headed by chairs:
- Department of Accounting
- Department of Economics
- Department of Finance
- Department of Information & Technology Management
- Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
- Department of Marketing
- Headed by directors and coordinators:
- Graduate Business Programs
- Center for Ethics (director)
- Florida Entrepreneur & Family Business Center (director)
- International Business Program (coordinator)
- The Naimoli Institute for Business Strategy (director)
- TECO Energy Center for Leadership (director)
C. College of Natural and Health Sciences
The College of Natural and Health Sciences is currently organized into six departments headed by chairs or directors and coordinators.
- Headed by chairs or directors:
- Department of Biology
- Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics
- Department of Health Science and Human Performance
- Department of Nursing
- Department of Physician Assistant Medicine
- Department of Sport Management
- Headed by directors and coordinators:
- Athletic Training Program (director)
- Nursing Department (director)
- Nursing Skills Center (coordinator)
D. College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Education
The College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Education is currently organized into six departments headed by chairs and other units headed by directors and coordinators.
- Headed by chairs:
- Department of Criminology
- Department of Education
- Department of Political Science and International Studies
- Department of History, Sociology, Geography, and Legal Studies
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Psychology
- Headed by directors and coordinators:
- ESOL Program (coordinator)
- M.Ed. & M.A.T. Program (director)
- Teacher Education Program Review (director)
E. Department Chairs of the Colleges
- Duties of Department Chairs
The duties of the department chairs are to:
- Serve as the official channel of communication between the department and the provost, dean, other University officials, and other departments;
- Call meetings of the department faculty, preside over the meetings, transmit minutes of the meeting to the dean, and maintain such minutes in the departmental file;
- Report to the dean regarding the activities and needs of the department;
- Submit new courses, revision of existing courses or deletion of courses to the appropriate committee or office;
- Recommend budgetary needs of the department to the dean;
- Coordinate library acquisitions;
- Assist the dean and provost with new faculty searches;
- Recommend to the dean the appointment, re-appointment, tenure, promotion and/or dismissal of faculty;
- Assist the dean in evaluation of department faculty;
- Develop course schedules and staffing of classes as well as selection and ordering of textbooks;
- Oversee any special duties located within the department;
- Hear student complaints against department faculty or policies;
- Attend meetings of department chairs; and
- Be available as needed during summer months for department functions or meetings.
- Appointment of Department Chairs
- Departments will submit their recommendation to the dean each April for the chair for the next academic year.
- Departments may determine the method used to select a chair; however, voting is strongly recommended.
- All members of the department who are full‐time, tenure-track appointments are eligible to vote. Voting privileges can be extended to other full‐time faculty upon majority approval of the tenure‐track faculty.
- Any faculty member nominated by department vote must agree to serve prior to being appointed chair by the dean.
- The dean shall exercise authority to appoint a chair other than the person elected, provided that the dean:
- Has received and examined the department preference:
- Consults with the department faculty where the dean exercises his/her discretion to decline the faculty recommendation; and
- Is unable to find anyone capable of holding the chair’s position from among the existing faculty.
- The term of office of a department chair is one year, but there is no limit upon the number of terms she/he may serve. The chair sits at the discretion of the dean and can be removed at any time.
F. Assistant Dean
The role of the Assistant Dean is to provide strategic leadership in key areas of the operations and management of the College (Approved September 15, 2017).
1. Duties of Assistant Deans
The duties of the assistant deans are to:
a. Oversee student performance assessment activities for the college and serve as the point of contact and liaison to the University’s new Outcomes Assessment Director. In this capacity the Assistant Dean will support both faculty and departments throughout the college in developing, revising and implementing student performance assessment metrics.
b. Assist in the development and implementation of the college’s strategic plan. Specifically, the Assistant Dean is responsible for the acquisition and analysis of student and faculty data and the development of metrics related to the goals and objectives of the strategic plan. Results and academic analytics dashboards will be created and regularly updated and disseminated throughout the college and university.
c. Draft reports examining the data analysis related to the college’s assessment activities and academic analytics.
d. Serve as the point of contact in the Dean’s Office for student-parent affairs. The Assistant Dean will engage with students, faculty, and department chairs to successfully address student and parent concerns, grade disputes and serve as the college’s representative in all student appeal processes.
e. Serve as the representative of the college when the dean is absent or unavailable.
f. Similar to a Department Chair, the Assistant Dean is available (although not necessarily on campus) 12 months per year.
2. Qualifications of the Assistant Dean:
a. Must be a tenured member of the faculty.
b. Sound knowledge and understanding of academic outcomes assessment.
c. Demonstrated experience in data management and data analysis.
d. Proficient in technical report writing.
e. Excellent communication skills, especially as it relates to students and parents.
G. Associate Dean of the College of Business
Duties of Associate Dean of the College of Business: (Approved September 15, 2017)
1. The Associate Dean provides support administratively to the College and the Dean in assuring the implementation of the Dean’s policies and developing procedures to assure the same.
2. Assists the Dean in the development and implementation of the COB strategic plan and coordination with AACSB standards.
3. Represents the Dean at on and off campus meetings in his absence and/or as directed
4. Coordinates with department Chairs and graduate program Director and coordinators to create the graduate and undergraduate schedules for COB and schedules classroom space for COB courses to maximize space utilization and minimize required course conflicts for students.
5. Determines and presents to the University registrar the schedule of courses for the college each semester
6. Monitors adjunct dependency in student credit hours to ensure compliance with AACSB Standards.
7. Works with the Chairs to ensure the initial and maintenance of IP, SP, SA, or PA status in current and new full-time and part-time faculty.
8. Works closely with the registrar, advising, Chairs, and graduate and continuing studies on scheduling and other student issues.
9. Deals with all student-related issues with the COB and substitutes for department Chairs for various functions when Chairs are not available
10. Supervises office staff in conjunction with the COB Dean
11. Prepares the list of committee charges and assignments each year.
12. Coordinates the updates of the COB Policies and Procedures Manual in accordance with the UT Faculty Handbook and Senate decisions
13. Serves on COB committees as assigned by the Dean as either member, chair, or ex officio.
14. Assists the Admissions Office in student recruiting, which includes periodic meetings with high school counselors and aspiring students’ parents.
15. Oversees, coordinates, and works with various UT offices on updating the COB portion of the UT Academic Catalog, COB Majors Flyers, Digital Measures, and Blackboard.
16. Assists the Dean and Accreditation Chair in providing and delivering information as appropriate to the AACSB for reaffirmation of accreditation.
17. Serves as the unofficial Chair of the BUS courses.
18. Completes other duties as assigned by the Dean.