Faculty Policies and Procedures Handbook

II. Membership in the Faculty

A. Basic Composition

For the purposes of federal reporting, the University Faculty consists of the following: the president, the provost, the academic deans, and any persons in academic leadership positions who have an academic appointment; the professors, associate professors, and assistant professors; once tenured faculty members on phased retirement; the instructional faculty; visiting faculty and part-time faculty who include the professional librarians, instructional staff and commissioned officers of the ROTC.

B. Professor Honoris Causa

As a result of a request from the Faculty Committee (predecessor to the Faculty Senate), the concurrence of the provost, and the action of the Faculty, the category of professor honoris causa was established in 1989‐90. As a result, especially distinguished and dedicated part‐time faculty members are eligible for selection as professors honoris causa, an honorary designation which carries neither salary, benefits, other forms of compensation nor tenure, but instead signifies the esteem of the Faculty and the administration for the individual and his/her contributions.

C. Professor Emeritus/Emerita

A full‐time faculty member who has honorably served ten years at The University of Tampa and has retired is eligible, upon nomination of his/her department and the concurrence of the provost and the president, to be named by action of the Board of Trustees Professor Emeritus or Professor Emerita.

The designation carries with it a listing in the University Catalog among the faculty emeriti and the use of an office in the library designated for the collective use of emeriti faculty.

Emeriti faculty members may participate in all events — academic or athletic — to which the University identification card provides admission. Moreover, the University is eager that every possible contact be continued. They include:

  1. Full library privileges;
  2. The privilege of attending commencements, convocations and other special events in the life of the University; and
  3. On appropriate occasions, an invitation to serve on faculty committees or University task forces.

D. Distinguished University Professor

The designation Distinguished University Professor was created in 1994 by the Board of Trustees. The president awards the title selectively to recently retired faculty members who agree to serve the University for up to three years after the date of their retirement. The precise nature of their duties and the remuneration is negotiated between the faculty member and the provost, and with the concurrence of the president. The first incumbents began their terms in the fall 1994 semester.