D. Course Syllabi

In accordance with good academic practice and the regulations of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, each faculty member is required to prepare, distribute to students, and file in the appropriate college office, a syllabus for each course taught. Copies of course syllabi must be available by the conclusion of the first week of classes in any given term. The syllabus functions as a reference to course content and agenda. Syllabi must therefore be carefully prepared. In the case of multi‐sectioned courses, a committee of faculty in the program may prepare the syllabus, but in most cases the preparation of the syllabus is the responsibility of the individual instructor.

The contents of syllabi may vary according to the nature of the course but the following points should be addressed: All syllabi should show at the top of the first page the course number and title as it appears in The University of Tampa Catalog. Syllabi should also include the instructor’s name, office number, office hours, UT email address, and campus telephone number(s). The syllabus should also announce the goals and learning objectives of the course. Each syllabus should also contain the ADA student information clause informing each person to contact the appropriate University representative if they desire reasonable accommodations for certified disability. Faculty may also wish to add the Classroom Disruption Policy in the syllabus. (See Chapter Six of this Handbook for the full policy.) (Updated 2/5/2016)

The syllabus should include an outline of the major subjects to be covered in the course; a list of required materials and books, indicating author’s name, the full title of the work, the edition and year of publication; a list of materials that have been placed on reserve in the Macdonald‐Kelce Library; a description of any required papers, assignments, and other activities connected with the course; and any specific formats and deadlines for the submission of required coursework. Any information pertinent to laboratory requirements, studio requirements, and/or excursions and assignments away from campus should be given. The syllabus should also set course policies for grading and state the faculty member’s expectations for students’ attendance and participation in the class. (Approved April 8, 2015)

New faculty are encouraged to develop their syllabi with the involvement of their department chair. Content of course syllabi, as well as their circulation and filing in department and college offices, is of importance both to the student, to whom a clear and complete statement of learning expectations is owed, and to the University for its continued accreditation.

The syllabus should include a disclaimer that indicates the faculty member has the right to adjust readings and other learning requirements at his or her discretion with appropriate notice.