C. Outside Employment
The University recognizes that faculty members, for personal or professional reasons, may wish to engage in employment outside the institution, especially at times when they are not actively engaged in teaching responsibilities at The University of Tampa. “Actively engaged in teaching” refers to any period of time when a faculty member is engaged in university activities (teaching, advising, service, working with students) associated with and expected during his/her contractual obligations to The University of Tampa. In the periods during which they are not engaged in teaching responsibilities or on sabbatical leave at The University of Tampa, faculty may engage in other work at their discretion, but they are expected to abide by the following conditions (updated 3/29/16):
- Outside employment must be on a part‐time basis only;
- Outside employment must not conflict with a faculty member's teaching, advising, research/scholarship, or institutional service at The University of Tampa
- Faculty members who engage in outside employment must notify and receive the approval of their dean prior to the commencement of the employment. Notification must be in writing and must include the name of the employer as well as the location, nature, and duration of the employment opportunity.
- If conflicts of interest, time, or commitments should arise, the responsibilities of the faculty member to The University of Tampa are primary and must be met accordingly.
- Judgment as to the existence and resolution of conflicts of interest, time, or commitments rests with the academic deans of The University of Tampa.