
Cheating is defined as using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, information or study aids in any academic exercise.

Examples of cheating include but are not limited to:

  1. Copying from another person’s work. 
  2. Allowing another person to copy your work.
  3. Using unauthorized materials such as a textbook or notebook during an examination.
  4. Using technology to illicitly store or access unauthorized materials.
  5. Using specifically prepared materials such as notes written on clothing or other unauthorized notes, formula lists, etc., during an examination.
  6. Collaborating with another person during an examination by giving or receiving information without permission.
  7. Discussing or working together on an assignment when expressly forbidden by the instructor.
  8. Jointly developing all or a substantial portion of a computer assignment and submitting multiple copies to the instructor as if they were the individual work of each student.
  9. Passing on information about an unannounced quiz or assignment, or the content of an examination or assignment from an earlier section of a class to a later section of the class.
  10. Accessing material placed on a website by other students (such as a faculty member’s tests, assignments, notes, lecture slides, projects, solutions, old lab data or other material) to use when given the same or similar assignments by the instructor.