Catalog 2011 - 2012

Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Faculty: Associate Professor Brinkley, Chair; Associate Professors Capsambelis, LaRose, Maddan, Smith; Assistant Professor Branch; Visiting Assistant Professor Krahl.

The criminology and criminal justice major leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. Study in this discipline prepares a student to enter graduate school or secure an entry-level position in the criminal justice field.

The goals of the criminology and criminal justice major are to familiarize students with theoretical perspectives in criminology; to convey an accurate sense of the historical development of the discipline; to assure that students acquire a comprehensive understanding of the nature and extent of crime; to convey to students a solid understanding of the components, operations and processes of the criminal justice system; to create opportunities for students to obtain hands-on experience; and to assist students in developing effective communication skills.