Four-Year Degree Plan for Major in Biology (B.S.) with a Concentration in Pre-Health Professions
Note that this is a sample four-year plan. There are other course sequences that will allow a student to graduate within four years as long as prerequisite courses are taken in the proper sequence.
Four Year Degree Plan
First (Freshman) Year - Fall Semester
First (Freshman) Year - Spring Semester
Second (Sophomore) Year - Fall Semester
BIO 300 | General Genetics | 4 |
| or | |
BIO 320 | Molecular Genetics | 4 |
CHE 232 | Organic Chemistry I | 3 |
CHE 233L | Organic Chemistry I Laboratory | 1 |
PHY 200 | General Physics I | 4 |
| or | |
PHY 205 | General Physics with Calculus I | 4 |
| Humanities/Fine Arts or Social Science (Bacc. Exp.) | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Second (Sophomore) Year - Spring Semester
| Category requirement (I, II or III) | 4 |
CHE 234 | Organic Chemistry II | 3 |
CHE 235L | Organic Chemistry II Laboratory | 1 |
PHY 201 | General Physics II | 4 |
| or | |
PHY 206 | General Physics with Calculus II | 4 |
| Humanities/Fine Arts or Social Science (Bacc. Exp.) | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Third (Junior) Year - Fall Semester
| Pre-Professional elective | 4 |
| Humanities/Fine Arts or Social Science (Bacc. Exp.) | 4 |
| General Elective | 4 |
| General Elective | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Third (Junior) Year - Spring Semester
| Pre-Professional elective | 4 |
| Category requirement (I, II or III) | 4 |
| Humanities/Fine Arts or Social Science (Bacc. Exp.) | 4 |
| Humanities/Fine Arts or Social Science (Bacc. Exp.) | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Fourth (Senior) Year - Fall Semester
| Pre-Professional elective | 4 |
| General Elective | 4 |
| General Elective | 4 |
| Humanities/Fine Arts or Social Science (Bacc. Exp.) | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Fourth (Senior) Year - Spring Semester
| Pre-Professional elective | 4 |
| General Elective | 4 |
BIO 410 | Senior Seminar | 1 |
| General Elective | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 13 |
Note: The math requirement and natural science component of the Baccalaureate Experience are fulfilled by courses in the above sequence (i.e., BIO 204, CHE 152, MAT 260).
Many of the pre-health professions concentration elective biology classes are offered only in the fall or spring. It is the student’s responsibility to track the semesters in which they are offered. In addition, many of the electives are required for admission into certain professional schools. It is the student’s responsibility to research such admission requirements and to select the appropriate courses through their biology electives and major courses. Note that CHE 152–153 and CHE 252–253 are offered only in the fall and CHE 154–155 and CHE 254–255 are offered only in the spring. Failure to take these courses prior to the end of year three may result in a delay in applications for professional schools. These courses and others are often available during summer terms.