Catalog 2019-2020


WRI 200 Introduction to Creative Writing

An introduction to the forms and techniques of creative writing, with opportunities to write poetry, fiction and drama or creative non-fiction. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)

WRI 210 Writing as a Means of Self-Discovery

A beginning creative writing course that employs intensive exercises in self-discovery as preparation for writing stories, poems or plays that authentically convey emotion. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)

WRI 212 Memoir and Autobiography

In this course students both study and practice the literary genre of memoir/autobiography. Students will read and analyze outstanding examples of this genre, learn narrative writing techniques, and then write their own substantial autobiographical narratives.

Credit Hours: 4


AWR 101 and AWR 201.

WRI 220 Writing for Online Audiences

The course examines the many types and uses of online writing from a rhetorical (that is, audience- and purpose-oriented) perspective. Students will be asked to research, reflect on, and compose in multiple online genres, including blogs, social networking environments, wikis, content management systems, and standalone websites. The final result will be a collection of student writing that reflects rhetorical awareness of audience, purpose, and production for online readers.

Credit Hours: 4
(HFA) (W)

WRI 230 Special Topics

A study of one or more specialized writing genres and/or techniques. Topics may include science fiction and fantasy writing, autobiography, persuasive writing, critical reviews, travel writing, science writing, photojournalism, unblocking writer's block and writing for the stage. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major.

Credit Hours: 1-4
(HFA) (W)

WRI 240 Writing Drama

An introduction to the techniques of writing stage and television scripts. May be repeated for additional WRI credit with a change of instructor and with portfolio by permission of instructor. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)

WRI 242 Publication Editing and Design

This course introduces students to publication and editing techniques used in print and online publications. Course content will cover publication design, editing, following a style guide, use of images and text, ethical issues, publication management, and various technologies used in the publishing industry.

Credit Hours: 2-4


AWR 101 and AWR 201.

WRI 245 Yearbook Publication

Yearbook design and production. Students will learn to write and edit copy, take and crop digital photographs, use software specific to yearbook production, and manage business aspects of publishing a yearbook. Not recommended for first-semester freshmen. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits. Up to 4 credits may be applied to the writing major.

Credit Hours: 2

WRI 247 Dramatic Writing for Radio and Alternative Performance

A writing workshop devoted to nontraditional dramatic works such as radio drama and spoken-word performance. Students listen to, read and critique monologues and dialogues, as well as write and perform. May not be used to satisfy general distribution requirements.

Credit Hours: 4

WRI 250 Poetry Writing I

Poetry writing and reading of related works. May be repeated for additional WRI credit with a change of instructor and with portfolio by permission of instructor. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)

WRI 260 Fiction Writing I

Techniques of writing imaginative fiction. May be repeated for additional WRI credit with a change of instructor and with portfolio by permission of instructor. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)

WRI 274 Creative Nonfiction

A workshop devoted to the writing and reading of creative (literary) nonfiction (i.e., literary journalism, memoir, the personal essay, travel writing, biography) - prose engaged in the rendering of fact, but employing the formal techniques and styles of fiction and other types of imaginative writing. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)

WRI 281 Technical Writing

Involves guided practice in the major forms of technical communication (i.e., instructions, scientific descriptions, proposals, and research and analysis reports) for successful writing on the job. May not be used to satisfy general distribution requirements.

Credit Hours: 4


AWR 101.