Catalog 2019-2020


WRI 450 Seminar in Poetry Writing

Advanced training in poetry writing, as well as directed reading and discussion of modern poetry. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major. May be repeated for additional WRI credit with a change of instructor and with portfolio by permission of instructor.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA)


One of WRI 250 or WRI 351, or consent of instructor.

WRI 456 Directed Poetry Writing

Individual advanced training and supervision of poetry writing. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major.  
Credit Hours: 1-4


WRI 450 or consent of instructor.

WRI 460 Seminar in Fiction Writing

Involves advanced training in fiction writing, as well as directed reading and discussion of modern fiction. May be repeated for additional WRI credit with a change of instructor and with portfolio by permission of instructor. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (W)


WRI 260 or WRI 361, or consent of instructor.

WRI 465 Directed Fiction Writing

Involves individual advanced training and supervision of fiction writing. May be used to satisfy general distribution requirements if not used for the writing major.
Credit Hours: 1-4


WRI 460 or consent of instructor.

WRI 470 Topics in Nonfiction

This course will develop writing, editing, and reading skills. Students will hone the art of nonfiction narrative while minimalizing distortion or misrepresentation. Students will learn to identify strengths and weaknesses in their own writing and in other writing. Students will learn to recognize the importance of truth and reportorial techniques that characterize nonfiction.
Credit Hours: 4


One of the following: WRI 274, WRI 351, WRI 361, or WRI 362

WRI 485 Directed Professional Writing

Involves advanced training in professional writing on the job or for freelance markets, with emphases on flexibility and practicality of topic and style. May not be used to satisfy general distribution requirements.
Credit Hours: 1-4

WRI 490 Writing Internship

Open only to juniors and seniors. An internship that involves closely supervised on-the-job training in career writing. May be repeated for a maximum of 10 semester hours of credit, four of which may count toward the writing major. Students must apply for the internship one semester in advance. May not be used to satisfy general distribution requirements.

Credit Hours: 1-10


3.0 GPA or higher and consent of faculty adviser and department chair.