EDU 400 Teaching Science and Social Studies in the Elementary School (ESOL-infused course)

This writing-intensive course is designed to provide elementary education teacher candidates with the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for the teaching of science and social studies content in the elementary school curriculum. Candidates will become proficient in planning, writing, implementing and evaluating science and social studies instruction as specified in the Florida Elementary Education Subject Area Competencies. Thus they will acquire knowledge of how to write and implement scientifically based instructional practices in the following curricular areas: history; geography; government and civics; economics; assessment in science and social studies; knowledge of matter; knowledge of forces, motion and energy; knowledge of Earth and space science; knowledge of life science; knowledge of the nature of science; and knowledge of the relationship of science and technology. In order to improve their writing skills, class participants will spend time with students in school and teach them how to write social science-based and science-based texts. Field hours required. This course requires students to brainstorm, free-write, research, rewrite, present information and peer-edit. A significant aspect of this course is teaching students about writing and learning through teaching writing, as well as learning through writing.

Credit Hours: 4


Admission to teacher education program.

EDU 402 Teaching Art, Music and PE in the Elementary School (ESOL-infused course)

A specialized elementary music, art and physical education methods course. Features demonstrations with class participation. Implements a variety of strategies that facilitate active learning with music, art, movement and drama.

Credit Hours: 4


Admission to teacher education program.

EDU 403 Technology in Education II (ESOL-infused course)

The focus of this course is the design, development and evaluation of learning experiences using the Internet. Instructional design and development applied to multimedia instruction. Instructional strategies for higher-order learning, including problem solving. Alternative design and development methodologies. Essential multimedia production tools and techniques. Students form design and development teams to create an engaging online-based learning experience. Students create and evaluate learning activities using the Web; creation of personal learning portal.

Credit Hours: 2


Admission to teacher education program.

EDU 408 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School (ESOL-infused course)

This course is designed to provide elementary education teacher candidates with the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for the teaching of mathematics content in the elementary school curriculum. Candidates will become proficient in planning, implementing and evaluating mathematics instruction as specified in the Florida Elementary Education Subject Area Competencies. Thus they will acquire knowledge of how to implement scientifically based instructional practices in the following curricular areas: knowledge of numbers and operations, knowledge of geometry and measurement, knowledge of algebra, knowledge of data analysis, and knowledge of instruction and assessment in mathematics.

Credit Hours: 4


Admission to teacher education program.

EDU 409 Practicum (with Seminar) III

Pre-internship for elementary education and secondary education majors. An intensive study involving the application of theoretical, philosophical and pedagogical principals for grades K-12. Required is a 120-hour minimum field experience for which extensive, fully planned lessons are developed and implemented in the classroom. Lectures and seminars about curriculum and instruction issues are presented at the University. Field experience placements are assigned by the Department of Education.

Credit Hours: 2-4


Admission to teacher education program.

EDU 410 Final Internship Seminar IV

A course taken concurrently with Teaching Practicum IV: Final Internship. Topics include reflective inquiry, classroom management, the diverse classroom, lesson and unit planning, ethics and continued professional growth. Students will develop a professional portfolio as part of their evaluation.

Credit Hours: 2


Completion of prior required course work.


EDU 413

EDU 413 Final Internship Practicum IV

A full semester of 14 weeks provides practical application and practice in a classroom under the direction of a certified teacher. Seminars and lectures on campus are required throughout the semester. The internship is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Students enrolling are advised that the internship is a full-time endeavor. Interns are advised against outside employment and may not enroll in additional courses concurrently without permission of the Clinical Education Committee.

Credit Hours: 10


Completion of all prior required course work.


EDU 410

EDU 416 Final Internship International Practicum

Taken concurrently with EDU 413 Practicum IV: Final Internship and EDU 410. Topics include reflective inquiry, classroom management, the diverse classroom, lesson and unit planning, ethics, and continued professional growth. Upon successful completion of a ten week internship (EDU 413), the remaining weeks of the internship will be completed in Northern Ireland. Seminars and lectures on campus are required throughout the first seven semester weeks. The internship is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Credit Hours: 0-2


Completion of all prior course work.


EDU 410

EDU 418 Reading Practicum

This is a practicum course taken in conjunction with EDU 413 Final Internship Practicum IV for elementary education majors.  Programs seeking the Reading Endorsement through the Florida Department of Education are required to include a reading practicum as part of the final capstone teaching experience.  Through this culminating practicum, teacher candidates will demonstrate knowledge of the components of reading, as well as assessment and data analysis, to implement a comprehensive research-based reading plan of instruction from all students. Teacher candidates will engage in the systematic problem solving process.

Credit Hours: 1


Completion of all prior required course work.

EDU 425 Teaching Middle School and Secondary Physical Education

A study and practice in methods pertinent to middle school and secondary physical education. Field hours required.

Credit Hours: 4


Admission to teacher education program.

EDU 434 Teaching Science in the Elementary School (ESOL-infused course)

This course provides elementary education teacher candidates with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for teaching science in the elementary school curriculum. Candidates will become proficient in planning, implementing, and evaluating science instruction as specified in the Competencies and Skills Required for Teacher Certification in Florida: Elementary Education for Science. Candidates will acquire knowledge of how to develop and implement scientifically-based instructional practices in the following curricular areas: knowledge of matter, knowledge of forces, motion, and energy, knowledge of Earth and space science, knowledge of life science, and knowledge of the nature of science and knowledge of the relationship of science and technology. Field hours required.
Credit Hours: 3

EDU 436 Instructional Laboratory II

Instructional Laboratory II will place teachers in position to understand the critical role they play in creating a climate of continuous, systemic improvement in schools through the establishment of professional learning communities and the concurrent development of teacher leadership AND their own professional learning. Participants will participate in mock professional learning communities while engaging in curriculum content learning, teacher leadership, school effectiveness, and site-based accountability. Knowledge gained in the university classroom will be applied in site-based activities, including problem-based learning activities, case studies, and/or exploratory enquiry. Students will develop a product representing their growth in understanding of teaching, learning and development.
Credit Hours: 1

EDU 450 Independent Study in Education

The course consists of directed readings and research projects on a topic of interest to the student. Content covered must be different from that included in current courses in the major. Independent studies may be taken with any full-time professor in education programs and require consent of the department chair. Subject matter must be determined through student-faculty consultation.

Credit Hours: 1-4

EDU 481 Comprehensive Subject Area Competency and Skills (SACS)

This course is a capstone exam that provides a framework for students to synthesize the subject area competencies and skills (SACS). A final comprehensive exam serves as an overview of subject area components infused in the education program.

Credit Hours: 0

EDU 489 Special Topics in Education

Provides in-service and teachers in training with fully accredited education coursework that satisfies Florida Department of Education certification and continuing education certification requirements.

Credit Hours: 1-4