Catalog 2021-2022


FRE 300 Advanced French I

Emphases in Advanced French I are on oral expression, reading and vocabulary building.

Credit Hours: 4
(HFA) (IG)


Not open to students who received their secondary education in the French language. FRE 202 or equivalent, or four or more years of high school French or equivalent skills.

FRE 301 Advanced French II

Emphases in Advanced French II are on writing, vocabulary building and grammar.

Credit Hours: 4
(HFA) (IG)


Not open to students who received their secondary education in the French language. FRE 202 or equivalent, or four or more years of high school French or equivalent skills.

FRE 308 French Pop Culture

This course explores the current state of French pop culture by studying various pieces including novels, comic books, television shows, songs and films.

Credit Hours: 4


FRE 202 or equivalent skills.

FRE 310 Diplomatic French

This course is designed to give students a working knowledge of French in a diplomatic setting. Emphasis is made on writing, as well as listening and speaking skills through the use of specialized vocabulary, simulations and paired activities.
Credit Hours: 4


FRE 202 or equivalent skills

FRE 311 Commercial French

This course is designed to give students a working knowledge of French in a business setting. It provides a basis from which students will learn about culturally appropriate business practices in France and in the Francophone world.

Credit Hours: 4
(HFA) (IG)


FRE 202 or equivalent skills.

FRE 320 French Cinema

A broad survey of French cinema from the silent era through the present covering the history and evolution of French filmmaking through the viewing and analysis of its masterworks.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA) (IG)


FRE 202 or equivalent, or four or more years of high school French, or equivalent skills.

FRE 322 Literature of the Francophonie

An introduction to the literature of La Francophonie through the close reading of texts by authors from Canada, Africa and the Antilles.
Credit Hours: 4


FRE 202 or equivalent skills.

FRE 331 Introduction to French Literature

A reading and discussion of selections by master writers of French literature.

Credit Hours: 4
(A) (HFA)


FRE 202 or equivalent skills.

FRE 332 The French Language in Contact

An examination of the evolution of the French language in the Hexagone and in the French diaspora (North America, Africa, Haiti, etc). In particular the themes of regional and social variation, standardization and bilingualism will be explored.

Credit Hours: 4


FRE 202 or equivalent skills.

FRE 351 Topics in French

Content varies. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 1-4
(HFA) (IG)


Consent of instructor.

FRE 371 UT in Paris

The students will study the history of France through the development of Paris throughout the centuries. The city will be presented in a chronological fashion, by studying its monuments and lesser-known landmarks (these are oftentimes archaeological remains Parisians walk by every day without noticing them). These landmarks will be discussed in class and visited in Paris.

Emphasis will be put on how Parisians interact with their history every day, framing their mindset in the process. Students will be able to experience these interactions in Paris and therefore better comprehend the French way of life.

Credit Hours: 4


FRE 202 or equivalent skills