ITM 220 Management Information Systems

Students study the use of information systems in the operation of an organization. Topics include data and information, data visualization, business processes, the relationship of business processes with data, information and information systems, and ensuring the safety and the ethical use of data, information, and information systems. Students apply the knowledge acquired in this course to contemporary applications and in simulated business scenarios that incorporate information systems.

Credit Hours: 4


BUS 101 and BAC 100

ITM 251 Application Development

Studies the fundamentals of designing and writing computer programs to solve problems. Emphasizes the principles of software design, development, and testing. Using a pragmatic and hands-on approach, students will apply structured programming and object-oriented methods using contemporary programming languages.
Credit Hours: 4

ITM 280 Network and Cloud Infrastructure

This course provides an introduction to network and cloud computing infrastructures. Topics covered include network architectures, topology, routing, protocols, IP addressing, wireless networking, securing networks, virtualization and cloud computing. An introduction to the fundamentals of hardware, software and networks is provided. Course coverage includes infrastructure, platform and software as a service aspects of cloud computing. Labs offer students practical experience with a protocol analyzer, network diagramming tool and access to a large cloud service provider. Students work directly with cloud-based resources to include installing and configuring instances of different operating systems in a virtualized environment.

Credit Hours: 4


BAC 100.