Catalog 2024-2025


ACC 304 Cost Accounting

ACC 304 helps students apply cost accounting methods in a variety of organizational business settings by developing accounting information that is timely, relevant and useful for formulating strategy, making non-routine decisions and planning and controlling operations. Topics covered include cost accumulation, assignment and behavior; planning, budgeting, evaluating and controlling operations; and tactical decision-making. Students will apply a critical thinking framework to identify business issues and to organize, analyze, visualize, and communicate data to relevant parties. 
Credit Hours: 4


ACC 202 and ACC 203, MAT 160 (all COB majors are required to take MAT 225), QMB 210.

ACC 305 Data Analytics for Accounting

ACC 305 will provide accounting students with an understanding of data analytic thinking and terminology and hands-on experience with data analytics tools and techniques used in various areas of the accounting profession. Students should leave this course with the skills to translate accounting and business problems into actionable proposals using critical thinking and standard business technologies.
Credit Hours: 4


ACC 202, ACC 203, UTAMPA 200, QMB 210.

ACC 320 Intermediate Accounting I

This course expands the students’ understanding of generally accepted accounting principles. The theory covered includes the FASB’s conceptual framework, FASB codification of accounting standards, international financial reporting standards and the accounting process. This theoretical background is then applied to the preparation of financial statements and the use of time-value of money concepts to measure financial statement elements, revenue recognition and accounting for cash, receivables, inventories and long-term assets.

Credit Hours: 4


Prerequisite: MAT 160 (all COB majors are required to take MAT 225) and a grade of "C" or higher in ACC 202. Pre- or Co-requisite: BAC 100 or UTAMPA 101 or UTAMPA 103 or UTAMPA 104 or HON 100

ACC 351 Accounting Information Systems

This course provides a practical study of information systems/technology for accountants. The course offers a working understanding of information systems functions/processes, software/technology, and control/security with an emphasis on contemporary accounting practice concerns and competencies. Emerging and prevailing issues/trends relating to information systems and supporting information technologies are also explored with consideration for evolving responsibilities of accounting practitioners in an IT-intensive business environment.
Credit Hours: 4


ACC 202, ACC 203, ACC 320, ITM 220.

ACC 352 Federal Taxation I

ACC 352 covers the U.S. federal taxation system, concentrating on issues of individual taxation. There is significant emphasis on methods of taxation, tax procedure, tax jurisdictions, tax accounting methods, asset acquisition/disposition and technology in the taxation field. Formal and informal written assignments enhance student understanding of the impact of taxation to decision making.  Students complete a volunteer tax clinic during the spring term, requiring some evening or weekend commitment. Successful completion of the volunteer project partially fulfills the ACC 099 service requirement. 
Credit Hours: 4


ACC 202.