Catalog 2024-2025


ATT 210 Athletic Training Student Development 1

This course is designed to move the student from thinking about the profession of athletic training to developing their identity as a future athletic training professional. The students will begin to explore the Institute of Medicine’s Core Competencies and their relationship to athletic training practice. Essentials of career development including communication skills, critical thinking, professional networking, cultural competence, and time and energy management will be examined. The students will also be introduced to evidence-based practice, clinical reasoning, and informational literacy with an emphasis on effective search strategies for identifying and finding information. 2 hours lecture/week.
Credit Hours: 2


Pre- or co-requisite ATT 110

ATT 274 Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis I

Fundamental skills of athletic training examination and assessment, including examination approaches and techniques, assessment of status and documentation for individuals with sport-related injuries. Emphasis placed on musculoskeletal disorders. Case studies are used to facilitate learning.

Credit Hours: 4


ESC 371 with a BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 275 Athletic Training Practicum II

Involves supervised clinical practice with instruction of selected athletic training skills appropriate to the student’s level in the program for example: documentation, emergency procedures and assessments, and technical application of selected therapeutic interventions and protective taping and wrapping. Completion of this course includes practical examinations and clinical education experience requirements. Students must be admitted into the professional athletic training program to be eligible to enroll in this course.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.

ATT 276 Athletic Training Practicum III

Involves supervised clinical education with instruction of selected athletic training skills appropriate to the student’s level in the program for example: subjective and objective patient examination, diagnostic testing, and clinical documentation. Completion of this course includes practical examinations and clinical education experience requirements. Students must be admitted into the professional athletic training program to be eligible to enroll in this course.
Credit Hours: 3


ATT 275 with a BC or better and ESC 371 with a BC or better. Admission to the Athletic Training Professional Program and Permission of Program Director.