Catalog 2024-2025


ATT 501 Foundations of Practice in Athletic Training

This course introduces clinical decision making, a team approach to healthcare, legal and ethical considerations and concepts of professionalism and cultural competence. This introductory course focuses on fundamental athletic training skills necessary for active participation in the patient care setting. The primary focus is on an introduction to patient history and physical examination, pre-participation physical examinations, injury prevention concepts, and documentation. 3 hours lecture/week.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to the MSAT program and permission of the program director.

ATT 502 Acute and Emergency Care in Athletic Training

This course prepares students to evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging conditions that are life-threatening or otherwise emergent. This includes a comprehensive approach to the identification of risk factors, preparation of emergency action plans, and recognition and treatment of emergency medical conditions including those that may lead to sudden death. 3 hours lecture, 2 hours laboratory per week. Lab fees required.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to the MSAT program and permission of the program director.

ATT 503 Introduction to Clinical Interventions

This course prepares students to select and apply commonly used foundational interventions used for preventative, protective, or therapeutic interventions in clients/patients participating in athletic or physical activities. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours laboratory per week.
Credit Hours: 2


Admission to the MSAT program and permission of the program director.

ATT 515 Clinical Practicum I

This immersive clinical course is designed to provide the student with the first clinical experience in athletic training. Building on the basic knowledge acquired in ATT 501, 502, and 503, the student will be assigned to a clinical preceptor in an athletic training clinical practice setting. The focus of this experience will be familiarization with the athletic training clinic environment, participating in an inter-professional sports medicine team providing care to competitive collegiate athletes.
Credit Hours: 2


Admission to the MSAT program and permission of the program director.

ATT 520 Clinical Inquiry I

This course is the first of a four-course sequence that incorporates elements of patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, health informatics, and patient care planning into a clinical reasoning framework for athletic training practice. Selected aspects of research design, epidemiology, and public health will also be discussed. Using patient cases, students will learn about information search and retrieval strategies, selection of articles/information based on applicability, and critical appraisal and interpretation skills with special emphasis on diagnostic utility studies, clinical practice guidelines, and systematic reviews. 1 lecture hour and 1 laboratory hour per week.
Credit Hours: 1


Admission to the MSAT program and permission of the program director.

ATT 571 Clinical Examination & Diagnosis I

This course provides a comprehensive approach to the examination, assessment, and differential diagnosis of conditions of the foot, ankle, and leg; knee and thigh; shoulder; and head and face injuries including the identification of risk factors, the role of clinical outcome measures, and appropriate referral decisions. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory per week.
Credit Hours: 4


Admission to the MSAT program and permission of the program director.

ATT 573 Therapeutic Interventions I

This is first in a two-course sequence that provides a framework for the design and implementation of neuromusculoskeletal rehabilitation programs. The focus of the course is the use of therapeutic exercise, biophysical agents, and manual therapy in the treatment of non-operative and pre- and post-operative conditions. Emphasis placed on rehabilitation programs for the foot, ankle, and leg, knee and thigh, and shoulder from early stages through terminal conditioning and functional return. Foundations of plyometric and proprioceptive activities are introduced. Surgical and non-surgical approaches to neuromusculoskeletal conditions will be addressed. 3 lecture hours and 3 lab hours per week.
Credit Hours: 4


Admission to the MSAT program and permission of the program director.