Catalog 2024-2025


MGT 431 Practical Strategic Assessment

MGT 431 fosters a “total enterprise mindset,” utilizing skills and knowledge gained from prior coursework. It centers on the strategic assessment of a Tampa Bay organization. This semester-long real-world assessment serves as a culminating experience that challenges students' capabilities in critical thinking, creativity, communications, and teamwork. While internal resources and competencies are foundational to organizational strategies, the potential impact of external influences from the general, industry, and competitive environments must be considered. Analyses and recommendations require students to utilize inquiry modes and perspectives from both non-business disciplines in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences (at least 2 of 3) and business disciplines.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4


Senior standing, BUS 221, ITM 220, FIN 310, MGT 330, MKT 300, and all prerequisites for the aforementioned courses. Spartan Studies First-Year Seminar, mathematics, AWR 101, AWR 201, UTAMPA 200, UTAMPA 201, core humanities, core social science.

MGT 450 Born Global: International Entrepreneurship & Strategy

This course combines concepts from entrepreneurship and strategic management and applies them to international ventures, teaching students the intricacies of founding and managing firms that are "born global".
Credit Hours: 4


All required 100-level and 200-level COB courses and either (a) 8 credit hours in Management or (b) 8 credit hours in Entrepreneurship or (c) 4 credit hours in Management and 4 credit hours in Entrepreneurship.

MGT 490 Management Internship

This internship exposes the student to a real life learning experience. Students are hired by an organization for the specific objective of gaining work experience in that organization. The paid or unpaid internship position should be relevant to the student's major, and is worked out between the organization and the student. Completion of this internship helps students partially attain the following goals of the College of Business. May not be used to satisfy major requirements. Approval of the department chair required.

Credit Hours: 1-8


MGT 330, junior or senior standing and either a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 or a GPA of 3.0 in COB courses.

MGT 492 Learning by Travel: Management and Leadership

By traveling internationally, this course is designed to give students an opportunity to develop leadership and management skills in a global context. The course examines the role of national cultural dimensions on behaviors related to leadership and management. The course focuses on developing important skills in global context including: communication, team building, motivation, and creativity.
Credit Hours: 4

MGT 495 Special Topics in Management

A course offered at the discretion of the management department. Subject may focus on a topic of current interest in the field, training in a specific area of the field, or a topic that is of interest to a particular group of students.

Credit Hours: 4


To be specified at time of offering.

MGT 499 Independent Study in Management

A readings or independent studies course taken for variable credit. May not be used to satisfy major requirements.

Credit Hours: 1-4


Minimum 3.0 GPA, consent of the department chair and COB associate dean.