Catalog 2024-2025


MKT 300 Principles of Marketing

Studies the interacting business activities designed to plan, price, promote and distribute want-satisfying products and services to present and potential customers. Incorporates current developments in marketing to acquaint students with the present-day challenges of marketing activities.

Credit Hours: 4


AWR 101 with a "C" or better and ECO 204. Pre- or co-requisite: BAC 100 or UTAMPA 101 or UTAMPA 103 or UTAMPA 104 or HON 100

MKT 352 Services Marketing and Management

This course is designed to address the distinct needs and problems of service organizations in the area of marketing. Services management is also addressed, exposing students to the unique operations, human resources, and promotional elements implicit in running a service firm. New service development is the final step, as the class culminates in the conceptualization of a brand new service offering along with a completed service marketing plan.

Credit Hours: 4


MKT 300.

MKT 354 Buyer Behavior

A study of the behavioral science concepts applicable to the consumer decision-making process, such as personality, perception, and group and cultural influences. Emphasis is on how these concepts and characteristics can be used by marketers to develop more effective relationships and strategies.

Credit Hours: 4


MKT 300.

MKT 360 Marketing Research

A methodological approach to marketing and consumer research problems and opportunities, using both primary and secondary research. Examines the information needs of marketing managers and the use of information for making effective marketing decisions. Covers the marketing research process, including research design, analysis and interpretation, and reporting of findings.

Credit Hours: 4


QMB 210 (or equivalent statistics course) and MKT 300.

MKT 362 Digital Marketing

Designed to introduce students to digital marketing theory and practical application. It provides a detailed understanding of relevant digital marketing channels and platforms to include Owned, Paid and Earned Digital Media.
Credit Hours: 4


MKT 300

MKT 371 Professional Selling and Sales Management

Examines the personal selling process and the use of a professional, customer-oriented, problem-solving approach in selling situations. Studies the nature of the sales job, selection of salespeople, sales training programs, and issues in the compensation, supervision, motivation, and ethical challenges of salespeople.

Credit Hours: 4


MKT 300.


MKT 300.

MKT 372 Retail and Distribution Management

Explores the dynamics of retailing and the range of firms that make up the retailing industry. Examines the functions, practices and organizations of various store types. Focuses, through current articles, on those retailers who hold leadership positions in key retailing disciplines such as customer service, operations management and TQM, market orientation, technology, research and development, human resources, e-commerce, and promotions. Examines the future of retailing, international retailing, future trends and their impact on retailers, and the impact of e-commerce.

Credit Hours: 4


MKT 300.