Catalog 2024-2025


NUR 700 Introduction to DNP Role and Clinical Inquiry

For DNP students. Introduction to the essential elements of the Doctor of Nursing Practice and emphasis on personal development as an APN clinical scholar. DNP students will be introduced to the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes to continually improve the quality and safety of healthcare systems. Content will introduce students to the concepts of the scholarly project and its purpose in addressing a current clinical issue in the healthcare system. Course includes a 6hr planned residency on-campus at beginning of semester.
Credit Hours: 1


Admission to DNP Program.

NUR 701 Clinical Epidemiology for APNs

For DNP students. This course provides APN students with an overview of morbidity and mortality surveillance through understanding disease etiology, distribution and control. The course focuses on disease surveillance through both descriptive and analytical methods. Epidemiological methods of study will be examined in the application of epidemiological and bio-statistical skills.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to DNP Program.


NUR 700

NUR 702 APN Care of At-Risk Vulnerable Populations

For DNP students. The focus of the course is on management of healthcare problems experienced by at-risk vulnerable populations across the lifespan. Students analyze social determinants that impact access to care, models of healthcare delivery and health outcomes. The impact of issues such as mistreatment, abuse, homelessness, and end-of-life concerns related to healthcare needs are examined.

Credit Hours: 2


Admission to DNP Program.


NUR 700

NUR 703 Research Translation for APN Clinical Practice

For DNP students. The course is designed to develop the knowledge and skill for systematic inquiry about clinical phenomena, interventions, and issues using best evidence to guide translation of knowledge into practice. Research and quality improvement studies will be reviewed and evaluated for scientific merit, potential for translation into practice, and impact on quality health care and outcomes. The course enables students to build a scientific foundation for ongoing critical self-reflection for improving their practice following a systematic appraisal of available evidence.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to DNP Program. NUR 700 and NUR 701.

NUR 704 Healthcare Informatics and Information Systems for APN Clinical Practice

For DNP students. In this course students will explore the use of information systems and technology applicable to advanced practice in guiding evidence-based practice, providing program and outcome evaluation, quality improvement initiatives, improving clinical workflow and administrative decision making with an emphasis on providing leadership within healthcare systems. Discussion of the legal, ethical and cultural issues as they relate to the use of information technology for improvement of healthcare will be integrated throughout the course.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to DNP Program. NUR 700.

NUR 705 Healthcare Leadership and Management for APNs

For DNP students. This course focuses on development of the APN’s role in creating and implementing organizational change. Emphasis is placed on strategic thinking, influence, negotiation and power strategies required for effective leadership in contemporary health delivery systems. Various strategies in management of change in health care environments including the associated management of conflict, change, and control of risk within an organizational context are examined.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to DNP Program. NUR 700.

NUR 706 DNP Project I: PICOT

For DNP students. This is the first of four sequential courses in the development of the scholarly project. The course emphasizes the assessment and identification of a nursing practice issue (utilizing PICOT format) focused on a population of interest that lays the groundwork for development of the culminating DNP scholarly project. The student will initiate the development of the scholarly project prospectus and apply clinical scholarship to improve patient and population health outcomes. This course is associated with a minimum of 112 practice hours in an area related to the practice inquiry.
Credit Hours: 2


Admission to DNP Program. NUR 703.

NUR 707 Health Policy and Advocacy for APN Clinical Practice

For DNP students. In this course, students examine current issues in health care policy in the U.S. and the role of APNs as leaders in effecting policy change. The influence of different political and economic conditions on health policy is analyzed within the context of historical, socioeconomic, ethical, legal and global perspectives. Students will engage in policy analysis and strategic planning for influencing positive change in health care policy.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to DNP Program. NUR 700.

NUR 708 DNP Project II: Project Plan

For DNP students. This is the second of four sequential courses in the development of the scholarly project. The focus is on the design of the scholarly project proposal that addresses a specific problem of interest. Students will utilize evidence based findings and practice inquiry skills to synthesize and integrate newly acquired knowledge in the development of their project proposal. The student will continue the development of the scholarly project proposal which includes an oral defense and IRB submissions. This course is associated with a minimum of 112 practice hours in an area related to the practice inquiry.

Credit Hours: 2


Admission to DNP Program. NUR 706.

NUR 709 Genomics and APN Clinical Practice

For DNP students. This course focuses on the genetics influences and determinants affecting the health of individuals, families and communities. The relationship of genetics and genomics to health, disease prevention, screening, diagnostics, prognostics, selection of treatment, and monitoring of treatment effectiveness will be explored. The emerging role of pharmacogenomics in the individualization of drug therapy is also explored. Throughout the course, ethical, legal and social implications of genomic knowledge are appraised.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to DNP Program. NUR 700.

NUR 710 DNP Project III: Implementation

For DNP students. This is the third of four sequential courses in the development of the scholarly project. The focus of this course is on the implementation of the proposed plan with evidence-based interventions to address the selected problem of interest. This course is associated with a minimum of 168 practice hours in an area related to the practice inquiry.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to DNP Program. NUR 708.

NUR 711 DNP Project IV: Evaluation and Dissemination

For DNP students. This is the final course for the DNP program of study. The focus of this course is in the evaluation and dissemination of the project outcomes. Completion of the scholarly project demonstrates the student’s attainment of the program outcomes and provides evidence of the student’s knowledge and expertise as an advanced practice nurse at the practice doctorate level. This course is associated with a minimum of 112 practice hours in an area related to the practice inquiry.
Credit Hours: 2


Admission to DNP Program. NUR 710.

NUR 720 Leadership in Changing Healthcare Environments

For DNP students. This course prepares the DNP to assume leadership in healthcare transformation. It will provide the foundation necessary to enter into the highest level of advanced practice nursing to develop practice that benefits patients, families and populations. Topics covered will be organizational and systems thinking, healthcare financing, business skills, quality management and interprofessional collaboration.
Credit Hours: 3


Admission to DNP Program. NUR 700 and NUR 701.

NUR 795 Special Topics in Advanced Practice Nursing

For DNP students only. A lecture and/or practicum course offered at the discretion of the nursing faculty. Subject may focus on a topic of current interest in advance practice nursing, training in a specific area of the field, or a topic that is of interest to a particular group of students. May be repeated for credit if topic is different.
Credit Hours: 1-3


Admission to DNP program. Consent of department chair or DNP program director.

NUR 799 Independent Study in Advanced Practice Nursing

For DNP students only. The course consists of directed readings and research on a topic of interest to the student. Subject matter must be determined through student-faculty consultation. May include practicum hours. Independent studies may be taken with any full-time professor in the DNP program and requires consent of department chair. May be repeated for variable credit of 1-3 hours per course.
Credit Hours: 1-3


Admission to DNP program. Permission of department chair or DNP program director.