Catalog 2024-2025


NUR 201 Foundations of Nursing

For basic students only. This course introduces students to the foundations of professional nursing practice. Topics include historical, philosophical and theoretical perspectives in nursing. In addition, the concepts of caring, communication, critical thinking and cultural competence are introduced. Emphasis is placed upon self-care, the nursing process, nursing theory, and legal and ethical aspects of nursing.

Credit Hours: 3


Acceptance to the nursing program.

NUR 210 Intro to Pathophysiology

For basic students only. This course provides students with a basic understanding of pathophysiology from a structural and functional organizational framework. It builds upon the student's knowledge in the sciences, and explores how alterations in structure and function disrupt the body as a whole. Physiological changes across the lifespan are examined. Students utilize critical thinking to analyze selected diseases for symptomatology, pathophysiology and implications for health care intervention.

Credit Hours: 3


Prerequisite or corequisite: NUR 201.

NUR 213 Professional Skills in Nursing

For basic students only.  (NUR 213 and NUR 213L must be taken concurrently).  This course gives students the cognitive knowledge necessary to provide basic, safe, and effective care to diverse populations.

Credit Hours: 3


Prerequisite or corequisite: NUR 201

NUR 213L Professional Skills in Nursing Lab


For basic students only.  This course provides the student with laboratory and clinical experiences directed toward the acquisition of foundational knowledge and skills to give safe, effective patient care to diverse populations.  Focus is placed on the application of foundational knowledge learned in NUR 213.  Experiences include lab and interactive computer activities, simulation experiences, and supervised clinical learning at selected health care facilities.


Credit Hours: 2


Prerequisite or corequisite: NUR 201, NUR 213

NUR 218 Health Assessment

For basic students only. (NUR 218 and 218L must be taken concurrently.) This course provides the basic nursing student with knowledge and skills to obtain and record a health history and physical examination. Assessing the level of health and wellness of clients throughout the lifespan also is included. The course provides both a didactic and laboratory experience.

Credit Hours: 4


Prerequisite or corequisite: NUR 201

NUR 218L Health Assessment Lab

Credit Hours: 0