Catalog 2024-2025

Student Life

Student Affairs at The University of Tampa educates, supports and empowers students through holistic, experiential and diverse learning opportunities that develop Spartan Ready® competencies, preparing students to contribute to a global society.

The division of Student Affairs is responsible for many of the services, facilities, programs and activities that enhance the quality of life on campus and students’ overall University experience.  These include leadership development, fraternity life, residence life, student organizations, wellness programs, campus recreation, health and personal counseling, faith and values, career services and many others.

Participating in campus life ensures a truly enriching campus experience and helps students acquire the skills they need to be Spartan Ready after graduation.

The following links provide an overview of student life experiences:


Campus Recreation

Code of Conduct

Community Engagement

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Fraternity & Sorority Life

Leadership and Competency Development

Residence Life

Spartan Ready

Student Organizations

Wellness Services

The following links provide an overview of campus services:

Campus Safety

Campus Store

Career Services


Dining Services

Fitness and Recreation Center

Health Center

Safety Escorts

Security Report

Sykes Chapel and Center for Faith and Values