III. Implementation Procedures
A. Dissemination
The complete Affirmative Action Plan shall be distributed to and filed in the office of the president, vice presidents, deans, and directors. Copies of the plan can be reviewed or obtained by other interested parties from the affirmative action officer or the reserve desk of the library. The statement "The University of Tampa is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer" shall be included in all issues of the academic catalog, staff, student, and faculty handbooks, and all announcements of available positions.
The affirmative action officer shall distribute the complete plan to interested government agencies.
B. Monitoring
In addition to the monitoring described previously, the affirmative action officer will send a written report and supporting data to each unit to be reviewed and verified by the vice presidents and deans during the first week of April and October, concerning the success that the units and divisions have had in implementing the Affirmative Action Plan. The affirmative action officer shall review these semi‐annual status reports and, when it seems appropriate, shall respond with written appraisals of the success of the unit in meeting action objectives.
The affirmative action officer, by the third week of April and October, shall have compiled affirmative action status reports and "Employee Composition Summary" reports. These reports shall be available to and may be discussed with the faculties or staffs of the various units or with committees representing the faculties and staffs. The reports shall include current analyses of units by rank or job title, sex, and minority status, and information on hiring, reappointment and non‐re‐appointment, promotion, and tenure, where relevant. These reports shall be used to make recommendations for improving implementation of the Affirmative Action Plan.
The affirmative action officer shall send a written annual appraisal of affirmative action to the president of the University for transmittal to the Board of Trustees. Copies will be sent to the Senior Administrators of the University and the Macdonald‐Kelce Library.