F. The Review Calendar

  1. The Pre-Tenure Review Calendar

    By the second Monday in January, candidates for pre‐tenure review must have their materials ready for distribution. One electronic copy of the materials must be submitted to the dean’s office and the dean’s office must make portfolios available to all levels of review at the earliest possible date, although no formal deliberations may begin until the previous level of review has been completed and the recommendation submitted. (Approved February, 2018)

    By the end of the third week of the spring semester, the department review results in a letter consisting of evaluation and advice that must be completed and forwarded to the dean, the College Tenure and Promotion Committee, and the candidate.

    The College Tenure and Promotion Committee review will then take an additional two to three weeks. This review will also result in a letter of evaluation and advice. The review at the college level must be completed and the college committee’s letter prepared no later than March 1st.

    At the end of the review, each candidate will meet with the college dean and the chairs of the Departmental Review and College Tenure and Promotion committees to receive advice on progress toward tenure and promotion. The candidate may write a rebuttal. In addition, the candidate will raise any deficiencies that are noted in the pre‐tenure process at this time. The dean will send a memo to the committee chairs and the candidate summarizing the meeting. The candidate will acknowledge receipt of this memo in writing.
  2. Tenure and Promotion Calendar

    By the first class day of fall semester, candidates for tenure and promotion must have their materials ready for distribution. One electronic copy of the materials must be submitted to the dean’s office and the dean’s office must make portfolios available to all levels of review at the earliest possible date, although no formal deliberations may begin until the previous level of review has been completed and the recommendation submitted. (Approved February, 2018)

    By the end of the third week of the fall semester, the departmental committee completes its written recommendation which summarizes the perspective or perspectives of its members. The chair of the committee gives the written recommendation, signed by all members of the committee, to the college committee. At this time, the candidate shall receive verbal notification of the results and a copy of the letter from the chair of the Department Review Committee. The verbal notification should be in person unless there are extenuating circumstances. The candidate may create a letter of response within one week.

    By Monday of the last week of October, the chair of the college committee presents its written recommendation, signed by all members of the committee, to the dean. The candidate shall receive both verbal and written notification of the results of the College Tenure and Promotion Committee from the chair of the College Tenure and Promotion Committee. The verbal notification should be in person unless there are extenuating circumstances. The candidate may create a letter of response within one week that becomes part of the permanent dossier. (Approved December 8, 2017).

    By the end of the second week of November, the dean reports a recommendation to the provost and the president.

    By the beginning of January, the president and provost make their recommendation to the Educational Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees.

    At its January meeting, the Board votes on tenure and promotion.