Faculty Policies and Procedures Handbook

G. Composition of Review Materials for Pre-tenure, Tenure and/or Promotion

At the beginning of each newly hired tenure track faculty's contract the Provost's office will create an electronic portfolio shell for the Tenure portfolio into which faculty may place all pertinent material on a rolling basis. (Approved February, 2018)

(The performance standards as outlined in Chapter 4 of this handbook (subsections A‐C of Section III Criteria for Faculty Advancement) provide a more extensive list for the three areas of evaluation: teaching, service/student involvement, and scholarship).

Faculty members who were on tenure‐track before Fall 2013 may elect to have their Student Involvement and Service evaluated as two distinct areas when they apply for pre‐tenure, tenure and/or promotion.

  1. Introductory Section
    1. Narrative, summative evaluation of teaching, scholarship, student involvement and service (suggested length, 5‐7 single‐spaced pages for the pre‐tenure review; suggested length, 7‐10 single‐spaced pages for tenure and promotion review)
    2. Curriculum Vita
    3. Dean’s performance reviews
    4. Annual self-evaluation
    5. Pre-Tenure review results
  2. Teaching
    1. The candidate’s course evaluations, including student comments by class and by semester
    2. The department’s and college’s course evaluation summary statistics by semester
    3. The candidate’s grade distributions by class and by semester
    4. Representative syllabi, tests, and other sample course materials for each course taught
    5. Number of independent studies and honors tutorials
    6. Number and types of internships supervised
  3. Service/Student Involvement
    1. Department
    2. College
    3. University
    4. Community
    5. Professional/discipline service
    6. Leadership roles on committees and organizations
    7. Number of advisees per year
    8. Student organizations advised
    9. Gateways courses taught
    10. Student research
    11. Other student activities
  4. Scholarship
    1. Published works or portfolio of performed, exhibited or choreographed creative works with a brief description of each
    2. List of scholarly activities in review
    3. List of scholarly activities in progress