BIO 112 Environmental Science

An interdisciplinary study concerned with the historical, ecological, social, political and economic ramifications of the global environmental crisis. Addresses issues such as demographics, energy, pollution, natural resources and environmental policy. Partially satisfies natural science distribution requirements of the baccalaureate experience but is not applicable toward a biology or marine science major or minor. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3

BIO 124 Biological Science

This course is a survey of topics in biological sciences for students not majoring in biological or chemical sciences. It is structured in a lecture/discussion format to allow flexibility in pursuit of contemporary topics in biology. Partially satisfies natural science distribution requirements of the baccalaureate experience but is not applicable toward a biology or marine science major or minor. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3

BIO 132 Biogeography and Biomes

Explores the question, "How did species of plants and animals end up where they are?" The course focuses on the ways that millions of years of geological, oceanographic and climatic processes have directed the evolution of the earth's inhabitants. Topics include the general features of the earth's major biomes, the unique biotic features of the earth's major geographic regions, and the ways in which the study of biogeography has played an important role in the history of science. This course also examines the ways that our own species has been affected by, and continues to influence, the distribution of the planet's species. Partially satisfies natural science distribution requirements of the baccalaureate experience but is not applicable toward a biology or marine science major or minor. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3

BIO 135 Biodiversity Conservation

Explores topics such as the value of biological diversity, threats to biodiversity, strategies employed to protect endangered species and habitats, and sustainable development. How the process of science is applied to the conservation of endangered species and habitats is the central theme of the course. Case studies focus on regions of the planet that have been designated as biodiversity hotspots. Satisfies a portion of the natural science component of the baccalaureate experience requirements but is not applicable toward a biology or marine science major or minor. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3

BIO 137 Sustainability in Cities

An experiential learning course focused on sustainability issues and solutions in urban areas around the world. Main topics include water, waste, energy, transportation and food. Includes cross-cultural comparison of lifestyles and resource usage, and site visits to relevant local facilities are included. Satisfies general distribution requirements. Partially satisfies natural science distribution requirements of the baccalaureate experience but is not applicable toward a biology or marine science major or minor. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3

BIO 183 Microbiology for the Allied Health Sciences

Focuses on diseases and the organisms that cause them. These include bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsia and disease-causing protozoan. Additionally, the course focuses on infectious disease caused by medical and surgical practices and accidental injuries. Partially satisfies natural science distribution requirements of the baccalaureate experience but is not applicable toward a biology or marine science major or minor. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 3


CHE 150 or equivalent.