ENT 670 Creating and Leading New Ventures

For graduate students only. This course focuses on developing the skills necessary for successful entrepreneurship. Students will develop a business concept, define a new venture and market the concept, research the market and determine the commercial viability of the business concept, forecast sales and production, prepare financial pro formas, develop a marketing and funding plan, and prepare and present a business plan for the new venture. Students will have the opportunity to enter their work in a business plan competition.

Credit Hours: 4


Foundations courses and MKT 609.

ENT 683 Legal Environment of Entrepreneurial Ventures

For graduate students only. This course broadly surveys the legal issues common to entrepreneurial ventures, including selecting and working with an attorney, business entity selection, corporate governance, contracts, the Uniform Commercial Code, operational liabilities, insurance, debtor-creditor relations, bankruptcy, human resources and buying and selling a business.

Credit Hours: 4


ENT 670.

ENT 686 International Entrepreneurship

For graduate students only. This course provides an understanding of international entrepreneurship, including the development of managerial and knowledge-based skills that underlie the successful launch of a new venture or existing business in the global economy.

Credit Hours: 4


ENT 670.

ENT 695 Seminar in Entrepreneurship

For graduate students only. Topics vary and will focus on emerging ideas and the latest research in areas of entrepreneurship that are not covered by the current curriculum. Though not limited to these, example topics include creativity and problem-solving, innovation and technology entrepreneurship, legal issues for entrepreneurs, corporate entrepreneurship, real estate venturing and social entrepreneurship.

Credit Hours: 4


ENT 670 or permission of instructor.