Catalog 2013-2014


HSC 420 Nutritional Supplements

This course addresses contemporary issues in the usage of dietary supplements and sports performance aids, including vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs and botanicals promoted to the general public and to the athlete. The focus is to use the scientific method to evaluate product and research literature and health claims, when it is known that data are often likely to be incomplete or inconclusive. The course also reviews safety data, adverse event reports, and legal issues involving dietary supplements.

Credit Hours: 2


One of the following, HSC 203, HSC 230, NUR 432, CHE 232, BIO 330, BIO 360, or permission of the instructor.

HSC 440 Health Policy and Social Change

This course provides key concepts and knowledge regarding how health policy is formulated, enacted, and implemented. The course analyzes health policy by focusing on how and why health policy is developed at the federal, state and local levels. The course begins with a brief overview of the concepts and theories associated with public policy development in the health sector. The main emphasis will be upon providing the tools with which to understand how both public and private institutions produce health policy in its various forms. This course should provide a practical background to the study of health policy.

Credit Hours: 3


HSC 236.

HSC 445 Health Promotion Program Planning and Evaluation

This course will introduce students to the development, implementation and evaluation strategies that address health promotion issues at multiple levels. The course will provide a strong foundation of theories and conceptual frameworks used to develop, implement and evaluate health promotion from an ecological perspective - encompassing the individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, social and policy levels.

Credit Hours: 3


HSC 236, HSC 375.

HSC 450 Public Health Management and Leadership

This course develops the student's ability to: 1) work with organizations and communities; 2) develop skills to mobilize resources and the organizational and community capacity to address public health challenges and achieve the national health objectives; and 3) enable participation and leadership in a network that fosters the future of public health. The course exposes students to concepts and theories of leadership, performance improvement, organizational behavior, marketing, operations, organizational strategy and continuous quality improvement. The general management perspective is emphasized.

Credit Hours: 3


HSC 236.

HSC 480 Internship in Allied Health

This is an instructional, field-based experience in the allied health occupations for the pre-professionals. Both directed and self-directed experiences are required under the supervision of a certified/licensed allied health care practitioner in an approved health care setting. Students must earn program coordinator approval, provide documentation of current immunizations, health screening and CPR certification, and make provisions for transportation to the clinical affiliation site. Minimum allowable number of clinical contact hours is 120. This course may be repeated for credit for a maximum of 12 credit hours.

Credit Hours: 2-12


Junior or senior status, minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, permission of instructor and departmental approval.

HSC 490 Internship in Public Health

This course integrates public health theory and practice in a professional setting. Students have the opportunity to apply concepts from core and concentration courses, conduct projects and interact with a range of health professionals. The student works with both faculty adviser and an academically and professionally qualified preceptor. This course may be repeated for credit for a maximum of 12 semester hours.

Credit Hours: 6-12


Instructor permission.

HSC 491 Seminar in Allied Health

This course encompasses professional topics and current issues in the allied health professions. A seminar style class including discussions, reviews of current literature, case studies, and journal article critiques will be conducted.

Credit Hours: 3

HSC 499 Special Topics in Allied Health

A course offered at the discretion of the Health Science and Human Performance Department. Subjects may focus on topics of current interest in the field or a topic that is of interest to a particular group of students.

Credit Hours: