MSL 101 Leadership and Personal Development

Introduces students to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Students learn how the personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, goal setting, time management, physical fitness and stress management relate to leadership, officership and the Army profession. The focus is on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of Army leadership dimensions while gaining an overall understanding of the ROTC program and its advantages for the student. All cadets must take a Leadership Laboratory course to fulfill Army commissioning requirements. Participation in MSL 101 does not include military obligation.

Credit Hours: 2

MSL 102 Introduction to Tactical Leadership

Discusses leadership fundamentals such as problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback and using effective writing skills. Students explore dimensions of leadership, values, attributes, skills and actions in the context of practical, hands-on and interactive exercises. All cadets must take a Leadership Laboratory course to fulfill Army commissioning requirements. Participation in MSL 102 does not include military obligation.

Credit Hours: 2

MSL 110 Basic Leadership Laboratory

Required of MSL I cadets (freshmen) enrolled in MSL 101. Involves practical exercises in the principles of military courtesy, discipline, self-confidence, drill and ceremonies, as well as introduction to basic soldier skills and tactics.

Credit Hours: 0

MSL 111 Basic Leadership Laboratory

Required of MSL I cadets (freshmen) enrolled in MSL 102. Involves practical exercises in the development of leadership fundamentals and soldier skills including basic land navigation, troop-leading procedures and squad tactical operations.

Credit Hours: 0