PHY 307 Modern Physics

This course is an introduction to the physics of the twentieth century. Topics include a study of the special theory of relativity, an introduction to the general theory of relativity, a survey of the experimental basis of quantum physics, and Schrödinger's quantum mechanics, as well as topics selected from atomic and molecular physics, solid-state physics, nuclear and elementary particle physics and cosmology. Lecture only.

Credit Hours: 4


MAT 260, PHY 201 or PHY 206

PHY 330 Astrobiology

Astrobiology is a cross-disciplinary study, bringing together biology, astronomy, oceanography, atmospheric science, chemistry, planetary science, and geology to study the origins of life in the universe. In this course we will examine the origins of life on Earth, the synthesis of organic molecules in space, the origin of solar systems and the possibility of life on other worlds. Lecture only.
Credit Hours: 4


MAT 260, PHY 201 or PHY 206