SOC 302 Sociology of Aging

This course challenges students to consider the social issues associated with physical aging; to seek out answers to the question, "How can we improve the quality of life for older Americans?" Students can participate in an optional service learning component.

Credit Hours: 4


SOC 100

SOC 305 Field Work Intern Program

Designed to provide students an opportunity to apply sociological theories and tools while serving in the community. Students spend 5-10 hours each week in supervised community service. The variable credit allows students to take two community placements, if they so desire. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Credit Hours: 2-4


9 hours of sociology completed at The University of Tampa with grade of "C" or higher.

SOC 306 Racial and Ethnic Relations

A comparative study of intergroup relations, social conflict and modes of adjustment in the United States and elsewhere. Examines prejudice and discrimination, their sources, their consequences and potentials for change.

Credit Hours: 4


SOC 100

SOC 307 Families in Global Perspective

This class examines the impact of globalization on family life in the U.S., other industrialized countries, and the developing world. The class consists of an overview of the relationship between globalization and work-family issues, gender, migration, poverty and inequality, and the status of women, children and the elderly.

Credit Hours: 4
(W) (IG) (NW)


SOC 100

SOC 308 Sociology of Religion

An examination of religion from a social scientific perspective. A sociological history of religion, major sociological theories of religion, and religion's relation to various aspects of social life and inequality (race, class, and gender) are explored.

Credit Hours: 4


SOC 100

SOC 310 Applied Sociology

Demonstrates to students how sociological knowledge or research tools can be used to enhance the quality of social life. Students will delve into the varieties of applied sociology including: program evaluation and implementation, needs assessment, social impact assessment, policy analysis, focus group research and action research.

Credit Hours: 4


SOC 100

SOC 313 Social Stratification

Focuses on the three dominant lines of division in modern American society: class, race and gender. Covers the nature of human inequality, its origins and its modern manifestations. Examines theories of social inequality and attempts made to eliminate it.

Credit Hours: 4


SOC 100

SOC 315 Sociology of Deviance

This course examines deviance from a critical, sociological perspective.  The social construction, political nature, and social control of deviance are investigated.  Major sociological theories of deviance, as well as their social policy implications, are analyzed.  The development, management and cessation of deviant roles, identities, and careers are also explored.

Credit Hours: 4


SOC 100

SOC 320 Sociology of Gender

Gender is explored as a central, organizing concept in society. The course focuses on the social construction of gender and the effect of gender-role differentiation on social institutions including the family, politics and the economy as well as the impact of social change and the women’s movement on gender roles in contemporary society.

Credit Hours: 4


SOC 100

SOC 325 Clinical and Counseling Sociology

Focuses on the application of a sociological perspective to the analysis, design, and implementation of interventions that assist individuals, couples, families, small groups, organizations, and communities. Primary emphasis is based upon students learning and practicing basic skills used in sociological practice.

Credit Hours: 4


SOC 100

SOC 355 Social Statistics

Statistics useful for data analysis and understanding are covered, including most nonparametric and parametric statistics that involve most bivariate and multivariate analyses.

Credit Hours: 4


SOC 100

SOC 375 Research Methods

Applies the scientific method to the analysis of society. Includes elements in scientific logic, problem formation, research design, methods of data collection and analysis, and interpretation of data.

Credit Hours: 4


SOC 100