Admission Classification

Full Degree-Seeking Students

In order to be considered for acceptance as a full degree-seeking student, the following is recommended:

1.   Competitive verbal and quantitative scores on the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are required for all business master programs. The GMAT and GRE may be considered for waiver for the following applicants:

For MBA (except PMBA and EMBA):

  • A grade of “B” or higher in relevant coursework as deemed appropriate by the Sykes College of Business. These courses will depend on the program of interest. No exceptions on the “B” or higher, grade requirement. 


  • An overall GPA (or last 60 hours, whichever is highest) of 3.00 or higher from an institution recognized by The University of Tampa. AND
  • Minimum of five years of professional work experience. 


  • An overall GPA (or last 60 hours, whichever is highest) of 3.00 or higher from an institution recognized by The University of Tampa. AND
  • Minimum of seven years of professional work experience. 


  • An overall GPA (or last 60 hours, whichever is highest) of 3.00 or higher from an institution recognized by The University of Tampa. AND 
  • An average GPA of 3.00 in the 300 and 400-level ACC-designated courses required to satisfy the accounting major degree requirements from an AACSB accredited institution. 


  • An overall GPA (or last 60 hours, whichever is highest) of 3.00 or higher from an institution recognized by The University of Tampa. AND
  • Have passed one or more sections of the CPA exam. This includes applicants who have completed the CPA exam in other states. 


  • An overall GPA (or last 60 hours, whichever is highest) of 3.00 or higher from an AACSB or an institution recognized by The University of Tampa. AND
  • A grade of "B' or higher in each of the following two courses (or the equivalent):
  • QMB 210 Business Statistics and Analytics
  • FIN 310 Financial Management

No exceptions on the "B" or higher, grade requirement.


  • An overall GPA (or last 60 hours, whichever is highest) of 3.00 or higher from an AACSB or an institution recognized by The University of Tampa. AND
  • A grade of "B" or higher in each of the following three courses (or the equivalent):
    • ITM 251 Application Development
    • ITM 280 Network and Cloud Infrastructure
    • QMB 210 Business Statistics and Analytics

No exceptions on the "B" or higher, grade requirement. 


  • An overall GPA (or last 60 hours, whichever is highest) of 3.00 or higher from an institution recognized by The University of Tampa. GMAT may be required on an individual basis if the candidate lacks business experience, quantitative skills, or entrepreneurial experience.


  • An overall GPA (or last 60 hours, whichever is highest) of 3.00 or higher from an institution recognized by The University of Tampa. AND
  • An average GPA of 3.00 or higher in relevant coursework as deemed appropriate by the Sykes College of Business.



  • An overall GPA (or last 60 hours, whichever is highest) of 3.00 or higher from an institution recognized by The University of Tampa. AND
  • An average GPA of 3.00 or higher in relevant coursework as deemed appropriate by the Sykes College of Business. 

For MS-MKT (applicants with an undergraduate degree in business):

For MS-MKT (applicants without an undergraduate degree in business):

No GMAT requirements for:

  • Previous master’s degree: Students with previous master’s degrees with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in a program from an institution recognized by The University of Tampa can petition to waive the GMAT. The previous master’s program should have required an entrance exam (such as the GMAT or GRE) or the program had a significantly quantitative component to demonstrate quantitative skills.
  • Beta Gamma Sigma: Students who attend(ed) AACSB accredited institutions and are an admitted member of Beta Gamma Sigma may apply for a GMAT waiver using the UT undergraduate academic benchmarks. 

2.   Competitive GPA for all previous college work.

3.   For international applicants, a TOEFL score between 560-577 (paper-based test) or 83-91 (Internet-based test) is recommended.


Non-Degree Seeking Students

Non-degree seeking status is available for MBA, MS-ACC, MS-BAN, MS-CYB, MS-ENT, MS-HRM, MS-ITM, MS-MKT and MS-FIN applicants. Those who have completed an undergraduate degree with a competitive GPA, but who have not taken the GMAT, may be considered for acceptance as non-degree seeking students. In this case, a student may take no more than 8 credit hours of approved courses and will be required to submit GMAT scores to the Office of Graduate and Continuing Studies before continuing enrollment.

Acceptance as a non-degree seeking student does not ensure acceptance into the respective program, regardless of grades received. Once the GMAT score has been received, the student’s admission status will be reevaluated. If, at that time, the student meets the criteria for acceptance, the status will be changed to full degree seeking. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for University or federal financial aid. International students are not eligible for non-degree seeking status.