Catalog 2024-2025

Master of Education in Educational Leadership

In Florida, the path to a position in education administration requires candidates to earn a graduate degree in educational leadership and successfully complete the Florida Educational Leadership Examination (FELE).  Accordingly, the program is specifically designed for current in-service teachers who aspire to a position as an assistant principal or educational leader  to earn an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and successfully pass the FELE.

The proposed curriculum is designed around the 10 Florida Principal Leadership standards outlined by the Florida Department of Education and aligned with the Florida Educational Leadership Examination. Classes, other than the internship are offered in a synchronous distance learning format. Students may attend classes on campus or join remotely through the use of technology.  In addition, each semester includes a 1 credit internship with a coordinating school administrator to allow students to directly experience and apply the standards being taught in class.  Accordingly, the entire curriculum consists of 30 credits: 27 classroom credits and 3 internship credits.  It is designed to allow a student to take 10 credits per semester (or summer term) and complete their M.Ed. in Educational Leadership in 12 months. 

Because the 10 standards in the FELE are discrete skills and units, the curriculum is designed in a similar manner.  In other words, there are no prerequisites, and no course specifically builds upon a previous one. Students can be enrolled into the program in the fall, spring or summer sessions.  Students will take the courses offered, as well as the 1-credit internship.

M.Ed. in Educational Leadership Admission Requirements and Documents

The program welcomes applications from individuals who have strong academic, school leadership and teaching records and who have experience and interest in educational leadership.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Completed application for the University
  • $40 application fee
  • Official transcripts for all previous college work received directly from each institution
    •  Applicants must have earned a four-year degree from an institution recognized by The University of Tampa
    • Applicants need to have an overall GPA of 3.0 out of a possible 4.0, or a minimum of 3.0 in the last 60 credit hours of undergraduate study. NOTE: GPAs below 3.0 will be reviewed on an individual basis.
  • A minimum of at least two years successful teaching experience, reflected in prior teacher evaluation scores or equivalent
  • Resume
  • Two letters of recommendation from educational peers or supervisors, one of which is the current or most recent supervisor.  The following information must be addressed in the letters of recommendation:
    • Demonstration of instructional expertise (Successful demonstration of the core standards for effective educators outlined in the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) and a documented track record of achieving student gains.)
    • Leadership potential (At a minimum, these qualifications must include an analysis of the candidate’s relentless focus on improving student achievement in their own classrooms and contributing to the demonstrable improvement of teaching effectiveness in the classrooms of colleagues.)
  • Personal statement addressing why they seek a graduate-level degree

Automatic Admission: Special consideration is given to UT Education alumni and graduates from CAEP-accredited Education Programs. Contact Graduate Admissions for details.

Candidate Remediation

The candidate who fails to meet state-mandated candidate performance assessment benchmarks and fails to evidence acceptable mastery of the Florida Leadership Performance Standards (FLPS) or candidates who do not reach department benchmarks in disposition will be referred to the department chairperson and to the Candidate Performance/Admission, Retention, and Dismissal (CP/ARD) Committee for remediation. The committee will recommend specific candidate interventions intended to help the candidate achieve the expected targets and benchmarks. Remediation always requires enrollment in the 0-3 credit hour course EDU 680 Professional Development Clinical.

LiveText Electronic Database

The Department of Education uses the LiveText database system to formally collect data to document candidate progress and mastery of competencies in and across programs. For candidates, LiveText provides evidence that FLPS standards have been met. All education candidates are required to obtain and manage a LiveText account. Candidates who do not upload required critical assignments to LiveText will earn a grade of “Incomplete” in the course and be referred to the CP/ARD Committee for further action / remediation.
Transfer and Transient Credit Policy

One transfer or transient course is allowable though conditional upon review by program coordinator. Any transfer credit must be from a state approved University program. Candidate must provide a copy of the syllabi to the coordinator before any approval is given.

Candidate Graduation

In order to graduate with a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, every candidate must pass all components of the FELE exam. The exam must be completed within 2 semesters of finishing all coursework. If not, EDL 606 will maintain an ‘F” grade until the candidate successfully passes the FELE exam.

Degree Requirements

M.Ed. (EDL) Curriculum Courses

EDL 601Instructional Leadership


EDL 602Organizational Leadership, Safety and Decision-Making


EDL 603Human Resources: Recruitment, Development and Retention


EDL 604Curriculum and Achievement


EDL 605School Budgeting and Finance


EDL 606Educational Leadership Internship


Internships are earned 1 credit per semester (fall, spring, summer) for a total of 3 credits

EDL 607School Law/Community Relations


EDL 608Data-Driven Leadership


EDL 610Communication and Technology for Leaders


EDL 612Problem-Solving and Visionary Leadership


If an M.Ed. (EDL) student has not at the time of program entry met their 60 hour ESOL requirement or has completed a 3 credit ESOL course, then it is incumbent upon the student to complete such a course. The Department of Education offers EDU 640 TESOL to satisfy this requirement.

Students must pass all components of the Florida Education Leadership Exam (FELE).

Total Credit Hours: 30