Department of Languages and Linguistics
Faculty: Associate Professor Aubry, Chair; Professors Demil, Hidalgo-Calle and López; Associate Professor Rukholm; Assistant Teaching Professor van Ophen
The mission of the Department of Languages and Linguistics is to foster the foreign language proficiency and cultural awareness required for well-rounded individuals prepared to succeed in an increasingly integrated world community.
The department strives for excellence in instruction through an eclectic yet integrated variety of pedagogical methods, including classroom and independent study, individualized learning and research projects, field experiences and service learning, innovative use of technology in the Language Learning Center, campus programs, internships, and opportunities to study abroad. Foreign language courses, by virtue of their cultural content and communicative focus, broaden the career possibilities open to students and are especially beneficial for those who are interested in graduate study or employment in an increasingly global economy. Therefore, the department encourages combining language study with coursework in other disciplines.
Through its course offerings, the department assists students in realizing the following objectives, which reflect the University-wide goal of fostering greater international competency as embodied in the quality enhancement plan and certificate of international studies:
- To attain proficiency in one or more foreign languages and develop the ability to function successfully in other cultures while traveling, studying, and living or working abroad through the study of conversation, composition, language structure, phonetics, literature, civilization and culture.
- To conduct independent research in a second language, demonstrate comparative knowledge of different cultures and cultural variations within language groups and understand the importance of geography, politics, and history in the acquisition of both verbal and non-verbal communicative competency.
- To arrive at a better and more profound understanding of one’s culture through a greater awareness and understanding of other cultures.
A number of options for both introductory and advanced study are available to students, including a major in Spanish, a minor in Spanish and French, coursework in other languages, and linguistics and language for special purposes. The department also contributes key courses to the Latin American studies and Asian studies minors and provides courses and additional support for various majors and graduate programs.
Once a student has taken a course at the 300 or 400 level, they cannot enroll in a 200-level course or below. Additionally, at the 100 and 200 levels, courses must be taken in sequence. For example, a student cannot enroll in 101 after having completed 102 or in 201 after having completed 202.