Catalog 2024-2025

Department of Nursing

Faculty: Associate Professor Botwinski, Director/Chair Department of Nursing; Associate Professor Berg, Graduate Program Director; Associate Professor White, BSN Program Director; Associate Professor D’Alesandro BSN Nursing Admissions Director, Associate Professor Delacroix; Assistant Professor Culp, Director of Nursing Skills and Simulation Lab; Assistant Professors Bryant, Ernewein, Jeffrey, Llerena, Pedroff, Umberger; Assistant Teaching Professor Royal; Lecturer II Franks; Lecturer I Coleman, Jacobe, Jaeger, Lewis, Moyer, Snow, Tucker.

The Department of Nursing offers programs at the baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degree levels. For more information, contact the Department of Nursing at (813) 253-6223 or see

The baccalaureate degree in nursing, the master’s degree in nursing, the doctor of nursing practice and the post-graduate APRN certificate programs at the University of Tampa are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, (

Please be aware that successful completion of a baccalaureate nursing program of study does not confer automatic licensure as a registered nurse. Professional licensure is granted through a testing process by the Board of Nursing in each state. Each individual state’s Board of Nursing determines eligibility to sit for the NCLEX-RN examination.

For additional information on how this program prepares students for professional licensure, please visit: BSN disclosure.

Department of Nursing Mission Statement
The primary mission of the Department of Nursing is to offer programs of study in nursing science at the baccalaureate, masters and doctoral level that prepare graduates from entry into professional nursing practice to advanced levels of nursing practice and knowledge. Through clinically relevant teaching, learning, research and active application of evidence-based practice, students are prepared to practice competently as providers and managers of care, and members of the profession in a complex, diverse, and evolving healthcare environment.

The Department of Nursing shares the commitment of the College of Natural and Health Sciences and the University to teaching, research, and service; preparing each student as a life-long learner and as a health professional providing quality, safe, evidence based and compassionate health care to the citizens of Florida, the nation, and the global community.
Nursing Department Handbook
Undergraduate and graduate students at The University of Tampa who are in one of the nursing academic programs are subject to the rules, responsibilities and code of professional conduct set forth in the most recent edition of the Department of Nursing Handbooks. The handbooks are updated each year, and it is the responsibility of the student to remain familiar with the contents. The handbooks can be found on-line on the BSN, MSN and DNP student Canvas/Spartan Learn site.