Catalog 2024-2025

Academic Support Services

Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center (ASC) at The University of Tampa provides support services designed to equip students with the tools they need to succeed academically. The mission of the center is to provide comprehensive services that position all students to achieve academic success. We facilitate the high-quality educational experience of the University of Tampa through the Academic Advising Office and Office of Student Accessibility and Academic Support. The main focus of the center is to prepare students to become self-supporting, life-long learners. Located on the second floor of the Technology Building, the center houses the following academic support services:

  • Academic Advising – In collaboration with UT faculty within the academic colleges who serve as students’ primary academic advisors after their freshman year, professional academic advisors within the ASC provide academic guidance by assisting new students with registration and understanding degree requirements, academic policies and procedures, assisting with curriculum and program planning, and referring students to appropriate resources both within the Academic Success Center and across campus.
  • Academic Petitions – A process available to students requesting exceptions to particular academic policies as outlined in the undergraduate catalog.
  • Academic Coaching – A voluntary program that pairs undergraduate students with trained peer coaches for the development of strategies that lead to academic success.
  • Academic Exploration – An Academic Advisor who guides students through the self-exploration process to discover academic interests and passions, explore academic majors and identify strengths.
  • Academic Skill (ASK) Courses – Courses designed for students who understand that they will need new and different study skills to be successful in the college environment.
  • Academic Tutoring – Group and individual tutoring is available in a variety of courses. Peer tutors are available to meet with students throughout the semester both through drop-in and appointment sessions, in-person and on Zoom.
  • New Student Registration – Incoming first-year students are pre-registered for their first semester schedule prior to arrival on campus based on their choice of major, academic eligibility, subject preferences and seat availability. Students are provided the opportunity to adjust their schedules at a designated time once base schedules are complete through the end of the drop/add period.
  • SOAR (Students Overcoming Academic Roadblocks) - Designed to help students to overcome academic challenges in the pursuit of their goals. This program implements SOARING SPARTANS, which assists students to connect and engage with campus resources that promote academic success.
  • Student Accessibility Services – Provides students with documented disabilities the necessary accommodations that equalize students’ access to the educational experience.
  • Testing Services – Provides test proctoring services to students with documented disabilities, make-up exams, as well as on-site options for CLEP, and distance exams.
  • Transfer Student Services –New Transfer students have the option to register on their own so long as they have submitted an enrollment deposit and are loaded into the registration system. Students who wish to register themselves with the continuing students must complete a set of online modules before registering to familiarize themselves with university policies and systems, Spartan Studies, major requirements, and using the student registration system. Transfer students who do not enroll with the continuing class or who are admitted after the registration period will be registered in a base schedule by the Transfer Coordinator and/or an Academic Advisor. This schedule is created based on their transfer work, academic eligibility, subject preferences, and seat availability. Students are offered opportunities to set up individual advising appointments with the Transfer Coordinator prior to and after arriving on campus. 

For more information about the center and all the services provided, visit, email or stop by the center on the second floor of the Technology Building.

Saunders Writing Center

The Saunders Writing Center, located in Plant Hall 323, offers free tutorial assistance to all UT students who are working on any type of writing project. Students receive individual support and instruction during the drafting process as they work to improve their ability to draft, revise and edit. Whether in person, or online, the Center is an ideal place for students to share their writing and to receive feedback, individualized assistance and encouragement.

The highly qualified staff of peer tutors is trained by the center director, who has expertise in composition and peer tutoring. Help is available in person on a walk-in basis or by appointment. For more specific information, please visit the Saunders Writing Center website.

Center for Public Speaking

The Center for Public Speaking helps improve students' verbal and nonverbal communication skills. The Center provides free coaching and assistance to individuals and group projects for students seeking to enhance the quality of their presentations.

The Center's tutors specialize in: brainstorming ideas, audience analysis, outlining, deliberate transitions, word choice and phrasing, elevator pitches, delivery and body movement, impromptu speaking, and visual aids. The staff is also trained in helping students manage speaking apprehension.

Students are encouraged to visit during any stage of their preparation ranging from brainstorming to final rehearsal. The Center also specializes in outside-the-classroom engagements such as scholarly conferences, and job interviews.

Students may walk-in without an appointment, though scheduling an appointment is encouraged. To schedule an appointment, visit the Center's Instagram @UTampaSpeech.