B. Composition and Elections of the Executive Council of the Faculty
The Executive Council will be composed of five Senators, including one from each college and a president elected as follows below.
Elections shall be conducted at the last regularly scheduled Senate meeting of the spring. The voting body in the elections shall consist of seated Senators who are rotating over to the next year and the newly elected Senators. The votes shall be tabulated by the seated Executive Council. Terms for the newly elected Executive Council will begin upon adjournment of the last regularly scheduled Senate meeting of the spring. Vacancies are filled by election as above whenever they occur.
- The Senate as a body will elect a Senate president from its ranks, and he/she will head the Executive Council of the Senate for a term of one year. The Senate president will also serve as the president of the Faculty during this term.
- The Senate delegation of each college will elect an Executive Council member from their group, and the term will be one year.
- The Executive Council members will elect a Senate vice president from the members of the Executive Council, and the term will be one year.