Certificate of Intercultural Engagement Requirements

Admission Requirements

Undergraduate students will formally apply for admission to the CIE program. Applications are available through the link at CIE application. Admission is on a rolling basis. A minimum of two semesters of program enrollment is required for completion, but five semesters is recommended to experience the most benefits.

Requirements to Receive the Certificate of Intercultural Engagement

The majority of program requirements are completed independently. A minimum of two semesters of program participation is required, but more are recommended to experience the most benefit from the program. Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible in their collegiate career. The remainder of the requirements are dependent on a student's particular interests. It is recommended that students visit Dr. Vanessa Rukholm prior to submitting the program application to assess program qualifications. Complete program information can be found in the CIE Manual

Requirement details:


Foreign Language Requirements


  1. Native English Speakers: Students must complete four semesters of non-native language coursework (16 credit hours) with a minimum 2.75 GPA. They must also demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language by taking the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview upon completion of the CIE.
  2. Non-Native English Speakers International students proficient in a native language are not required to take the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview, however they are still required to complete four semesters of non-native language coursework.


Education Abroad Experience


At least one education abroad experience is required and must be approved by the Department of Languages and Linguistics.


Students may choose from the following options:

  1. UT Travel Course
  2. International Internship
  3. Summer/Semester/Year Abroad Program
  4. Community-Based Service Learning Abroad

*This requirement may be waived for international students by permission of the Department of Languages and Linguistics*


Global Engagement Activities

While at UT, students must demonstrate international leadership and engagement. In order to receive credit for this requirement, students complete Global Engagement Activities. (See CIE manual for specifics).


Global Knowledge Courses

To better understand the world, students participate in a wide array of global knowledge courses as a part of their normal degree requirements. Global Knowledge courses constitute any course at UT designated with an IG and/or NW tag. See requirements table above for specific credit hour requirements for Global Knowledge Courses.



The e-portfolio is a self-reported 'living' document located on Canvas where students reflect upon cultural difference they have observed/analyzed through coursework and intercultural activities they participated in while enrolled at the University of Tampa. More specifics on the requirements of the e-portfolio can be found in the CIE manual.