
Faculty: Associate Professor Rossing, Director; Professors Platau and Robinson; Associate Professors Alfonso, Bostick, B. Fulmer, Keener, Marley and Walters; Assistant Professors Baaske, Beck, S. Fulmer, Klevsky and Kralik; Instructors Baker, Darnell, Gambol, Goodwin and Green.

Accounting is often called the language of business. Businesses prepare financial statements that express the decisions and actions taken by its management by showing the financial position, operating performance, and sources and uses of cash to a wide set of users of financial information. External users evaluate profitability, financial and operating risks and investment potential of the business, while internal users assess whether resource are allocated efficiently in pursuit of the organization’s strategic objectives. All organizations, regardless of size or whether they are for-profit or not-for-profit, rely on accountants to record and report on the economic activities of the business.

The Department of Accounting has established four primary goals that reflect the core competencies expected of an accounting major. The four areas and competencies are:

Ethics:  Our students can analyze ethical dilemmas from an accounting perspective.  

Critical Thinking:  Our students can analyze business problems and develop solutions.

Professional Competency:  Our students can use professional skills to add value to their accounting professional activities.    

Global Business Expertise:  Our students will learn modern professional accounting theories, techniques, methods, and/or standards used by global business entities.  


The curriculum is tailored to expose students to specific areas of accounting, including financial and managerial accounting, taxation, auditing and accounting information systems. 

Graduates of the accounting program consistently secure excellent positions or are accepted to top graduate school programs across the country. UT accounting graduates enjoy successful careers in a range of disciplines including public accounting, corporate accounting, government accounting, business taxation, forensic accounting and more. They secure positions in public and private corporate organizations.

Florida and over 45 other states require a fifth year of education to qualify as a CPA. Students can complete this requirement in the Master of Science in Accounting program. The M.S. in Accounting is a 32-credit degree program that prepares students for professional accounting careers and meets the accounting educational requirements for the state of Florida. A post-baccalaureate non-accounting business major wishing to complete the requirements for the M.S. program may enroll to earn the Certificate in Accounting.